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*flash back*
-one year earlier-

Adora's POV

I've been in this room for 5 days now he doesn't feed me and I can feel my body slowly shutting down. I drink water from my bathroom sink and I finished my little snacks I had around my room 2 days ago. I don't even have the energy to lay on the bed, so I'm on the floor.

The bastard took my phone and left the apartment. I don't think he's going to come back. I have to get out of here. The left side of my face including my eye is swollen from the slap he gave me when I was first thrown in here. I won't die especially not because of him. I have to be strong for my family, they wouldn't want me to give up.

I slowly get up on weak shaky legs I move into my closet going to the farthest wall, I know if I bang hard enough my neighbor will hear. They just have too I need out and I need out now!

I'm grateful that I can still shower and have a change of clothing but, I can barely stand let alone shower. I bang against the wall with my fists the little energy I have left going into this futile attempt.  I hit over and over and over, trying my best to be as loud as I possibly can.

My fists are going numb and I can feel my hot blood starting to leak from the small cuts on my knuckles from hitting the textured white walls that have become my nightmare. Somewhere I called home, felt safe, is now reduced to my very own torture room. I can see the red liquid staining the white crisp paint but I don't stop, I can't. I have to get the hell out.

I hit.
And hit.
And hit.
And again.
Over and over again.

I don't know how much time has past. I swear I could hear someone through the thin wall separating this closet from another. I suddenly hear a loud knocking at my door knocking repeatedly. I can't get there, so I do the next best thing and scream, I scream as loud as my dry throat will allow.

Suddenly I hear the door being opened. They got in? Did they get in? Help! Or the monster that put me in here. Is he back to finally kill me? I hear a knocking at my door now loud authority filled knocks.

"Miss? Hello? Is there someone in there? Are you okay?"

With the last amount of energy I can muster I crawl to the room and try and speak with my raw throat.

"H help pl please!"
"Pl please help me!"

I hear heavy footsteps walking to the door they talk through it. "Ma'am please stand back from the door."

I don't respond no more energy.
I'm tired
So, tired.
My eyes begin to droop but before I go out I see the door being kicked in pieces of wood chunks from the door flying off into the room.

And then everything goes black, I hear nothing, see nothing.


*Two days later*

I slowly open my eyes, immediately shutting them due to the harsh light. I get the smell of clean sterilized equipment.

'We're in the hospital, we're alive, we got away'
'You happy guys? I- I did it for you'
I think about my family, they would be proud.

I look around the room putting my hand over my head I feel a headache. Touching my head I notice my hands are wrapped up.

'Must be because of hitting the wall'

I reach up for the side of my face, I wince at the dull pain. Suddenly a woman, no nurse I think comes in.

"Hello Adora, I am Sunny Reaves I am a nurse here how are you feeling? Can you tell me what happened to you?" I try to speak but my throat is extremely dry and I can feel it still raw. "W water please"

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