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"Will you let me taste you?"

Adora's POV

I was standing on shaky legs waiting, watching Arsenio look me over as if studying my body every part of me. Suddenly he brought me flush against him by my neck. He began to kiss me feverishly not getting enough I kiss him back trying to copy his intensity. I try to plunge my hands in his wet curls but he grabs my wrists and pull them over my head. Effectively stopping me from touching his soft curls.

Once out of breath I pull away but this doesn't stop him. He begins to trail hot kisses all over me getting lower, and lower till he reaches my breasts. I hear him say something while sucking my left nipple into his mouth.

"You're mine."

His hands begin to caress and grope anything he can reach. Felling a final tug on my left breast he moves to the right. While nipping and kissing my right his hand his tenderly massaging my left. Leaving me a moaning mess in his arms.

"Ahh" finishing his assault he goes lower and continues kissing down my stomach licking and sucking my skin. I try to hold back my moans but suddenly he stops all movement and looks up at me.

"Non trattenere, voglio sentirti."
(Don't hold back I want to hear you)

Suddenly I feel his wet kisses on my inner thigh going up to the place I have kept pure my whole life. Getting closer and closer he moves to my other thigh starting at my ankle and trailing back up. Suddenly feeling confident I let out a whimper and stuff my hands in his hair bringing him face to face with my core. He looks up at me playing innocent, clueless even. He runs his hand up and down my thighs,

"what do you want Bambi?"
Smirking up at me I know what he wants me to say, but I refuse to give in. Pulling his hair bringing him inches away from my core feeling his breath against me. Making me shiver in his hold from the potential pleasure I could receive if I just submit and give him what he is asking for.

Growing frustrated by his lack of movement I let go of his hair bringing my small hand down to my core I touch myself in-front of him, moaning from the small amount of pressure I'm putting on my sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Cazzo" snatching my hand from my core he looks at my fingers glistening with my wetness.

"Sarai la morte di me."
(You will be the death of me)

He says before putting my fingers in to his lips then in his mouth. Sucking my fingers clean, "Così dolce"
he then puts my left leg over his shoulder effectively spreading my legs for him, showing him all of me.

"Mio prezioso piccolina"
(My precious little one)

Letting out a loud moan I feel a sensation I have never felt before looking down and realizing Arsenio plunged his face into my dripping core lapping at my juices while his finger is rubbing circles around my clit.

His right hand around my waist keeping me still making sure I don't fall. I plunge my fingers into his hair pulling when I feel his tongue plunge into my hot wet hole.

He grunts in satisfaction into me. While his hand that was on my bundle of nerves is now trailing up to my breast squeezing and tweaking my nipples. Effectively making me moan louder.

"Arsenio, mio dio non fermarti"
(My god don't stop)

Picking up my other leg and putting it on his other shoulder he lefts us up pushing me harder again the wall securing me. "Ahh" I feel a sensation building up within my lower abdomen.

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