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Arsenio's POV:

Sitting on my leather recliner cleaning my beretta 92FS with my silencer adapter sitting comfortably on my coffee table.

I slowly clean the gun making sure not to miss a spot.

Before taking anyone out I make sure to clean my weapon of choice well.

I would hate to have a slip up happen...

It's never happened before but I don't plan to have it happen now or anytime after tonight.

Reassembling my weapon and attaching my silencer I stand up and put the gun on the coffee table.

Going over to my bedroom I take a quick shower while stepping out and going into my walk in closet I put on

my all black suit with a match tie slipping on my shoes and walking out

grabbing my sweet reliable beretta from the table I put it in my waist band turning off all of the lights and heading for the

door I grab the piece of paper where I wrote the address

Walking out of the door I make sure to lock it and head to my car.

Getting into my car and starting it I get on my phone and look up the address.

Driving down my street and getting on the highway I see that they live 20 minutes away from me

I sometimes wonder what the people did to deserve to be killed by my hand

It doesn't happen often because truthfully I don't care. It isn't my problem

I just get rid of it.


Pulling into the parking lot and acting as if I've been here before I get out of my car and head straight for the door.

Realizing I'm going to need some type of code for the door

I pull out a device Luciano gifted me for what he calls my nightly "escapades"

The little calculator looking thing is very reliable and I use it every time I'm low on cash, need a key, or passcode to get into

a targets house or office.

Easily plugging in the device and waiting after seconds the keypad beeps and glows green

Unplugging my trusty calculator I open the door and slip inside the building.

Walking up some stairs and through several hallways to get to my targets door

I come up to the last door to my left on the fourth floor.

The blue door with silver numbers reading 1104

I'm outside of my next targets door and according to the schedule I had made of their daily movements earlier

they were home and looking at my watch to see the time it was 2:30AM so unless they are a night owl which I doubt because

they go to work at 5:30 every morning, they should be out like a light by now.

Slipping my shoes off outside of the door and tightening my gloves over my hands

I dig into my pockets and fish out a skeleton key that was once my fathers.

Taking a deep breath and turning the key I hear the door mechanism going off and clicking

giving my the green light to slowly open the door and slip inside.

The Assassin ( Mafia Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now