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Adora's POV

I can't stand the thought of anyone's touch near me. I just can't handle it, I feel bad because Arsenio has never given me a reason to be afraid of him or feel unsafe even in the circumstances we met in.

I just- I feel dirty when Arsenio touches me because Sin almost r**ed me. I feel like shit I'm confused and scared that one blink and I'll be back in that room tied to the bed or worse.

I just want to die, I don't know how to feel, my whole life has gone to shit. I'm scared so scared, I can't get comfort from anyone because I feel unworthy of it.

"Bambi, we're home come on." Arsenio was on my side with my door opened, I didn't respond only looking down at my fidgeting hands.

"Can I carry you inside baby? Your leg is broken, is that okay?" I didn't want to be touched, I just didn't feel comfortable, but I reluctantly shook my head and agreed.

He swooped me up gently and I laid my head on his shoulder looking around, the secluded villa was not the same as the one I was taken from. It was modern and more secluded surrounded by trees, you wouldn't know it was here if you weren't looking for it.

"Whe- where a- are we?" I croaked out, I had developed a stutter because of Sin. He hit me and degraded me so much I just didn't have the confidence I once had, all that was gone and what remained of me was the outer shell that was my weak body.

"This is our home Bambi I had to move here because I want to keep you safe and this house was built to be impenetrable."
"Wa- wait! What about Maura where is SHE IS SHE HERE?!"

I began to panic I wanted her with me, I needed her. She wouldn't leave me now, would she?

"Bambi calm down, she is already inside she will stay here for a while as well."
I let out a relieved sigh. We walked into the home the floors were black shiny marble it was decorated in a modern dark theme. It was comforting as well as quite homey.

He walked me upstairs to a room
With a big canopy bed in the middle of the left wall. He walked in and set me down on the bed. He held me even after putting me down, I didn't feel comfortable with him being so close. I lightly pushed on his chest and he let go after 2 pushes.

"I'll ugh- get the doctor for your leg, hmm?" He says hesitantly rubbing the back of his neck.

Minutes later he returned with a woman in a white lab coat. She came in and introduced herself as Miss. Ocourtez.

She examined my leg and told Senio that I should be in bed for a few days and the less I move the better so it could hear quickly she gave me a brace to hold it steady with. She also said I was malnourished and dehydrated but if I took care of myself well, I'd be good by next month. I wasn't sure how long I was taken for- time really wasn't something Maura and I could keep track of.

The doctor wrapped my leg and gave me pain meds and left shorty after. Arsenio sat in the corner of the bed looking at me, studying me, I felt uncomfortable and rolled on my side not looking at anything in particular. I felt him get up and walk around to me.

"Bambi, no offense but you need a shower, can I help you with it?" A shower? If I shower he'll see the disgusting bruises I have all over my tummy and chest. NO. He'll think I'm disgusting and throw me away, I don't want that.

"No-" I told him without another thought. "Bambi please come on." He pulled me up into a sitting position and I pulled away from him crawling as far from him as possible. What if he got angry and hit me? What if he was acting and was actually a bigger monster than Sin what if this was all a trap? A sick and twisted trap and Sin will walk in through that door at any moment ready to take me away?

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