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Arsenio's POV

Adora was leaning on my shoulder taking a nap, while I played with her hair twirling it in my fingers while sending and reading boring emails.

"We're 15 minutes out boss"

"assicurati che non ci siano cazzate divertenti in corso" (make sure there isn't any funny shit going on)

"Si capo"

Bambi's hiding something, I know her well enough to see that what she told me was bullshit. I won't push for now tho, it cant be that bad because Val and Luciano are aware and if it were about her running or something big he'd tell me, no doubt.

I trust her, but it puts me on edge and pushes my dominance when I know she lied to my face. I'll let it go for now, but sooner or later she's going to have to come clean, or I'll have to take my own measures to get it out of her.

We arrive to the jet and I get out of the SUV going to Bambi's side I open the door and pull her out, she immediately wraps her arms around my neck and burrows her face into my chest.

I walk into the jet going all the way to the back to put her in the back room, so she could sleep comfortably. I got into the jet and everyone was already inside sitting down.

"Need help, I can take her" her father said and tried reaching for her. I pulled back and looked at him with a straight face. "Hands off-" and he glared at me while I heard her mother laughing in her seat at our interaction. I continued back heading into the room when I set her down in bed she didn't let me go and instead pulled me down into her.

"Stay" I reluctantly obliged and got in bed next to her. She curled up into my side and laid on my arm using it as a pillow. I kissed her forehead and left her alone playing with her hair again.

15 minutes later the pilot comes on the intercom and tells everyone to get into their seats because we are about to take off.

I then hear a knock on the door. I don't pay it any mind because I locked it, but for our safety I began to wake Adora up by kissing her temple.

"Bambi, we're taking off, we need to go sit."

"Oh shut up, if I die now, then it was my time let me sleep." She deadpans and I'm surprised she had the audacity to talk back.

"Get up, or I'm going to give you a good reason to not get out." She shuffles and looks up at me with one eye open. "How?" She looks at me with curiosity tilting her head to the side.

"I'll have no choice but to fuck you into submission, or until you can't feel your legs." I say to last part into her ear.

"I am not to be blamed for what your parents hear coming from this room Bambi..." I kiss her soft pouty lips and she rolls her eyes getting up.

*18+ mature scene*

"Don't roll your eyes at me."

"Or what?"

I get up and in one swift motion her back is against my front and my hand is down her panties stroking her silky folds while she jerks into me moaning in my arms.

"Sh- shit-" I squeeze her clit making her surge forward her head leaning into my shoulder.

"So wet for me hmm" I stuff my head into the crook of her neck and I hear the door again.

I pull my hand out and lick my fingers in her face making her visibly blush "Così dolce" I pinch her cheek. "Laters baby, now out." I point to the door and with my hand on the small of her back I push her to the door.

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