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Arsenio's POV

While driving home I kept looking over at the sleeping beauty. Parking outside of my home I got out and picked up Bambi bridal style, her limp body draped over my arms.

I'm calling her Bambi because she seems so innocent and cute.


Did I just call this girl I have never met fucking cute? She's already cute? Cazzo what the fuck is going on with me?

Continuing my walk inside the hotel I own I walk to my private elevator. Ignoring anyone who has a questioning stare.

Suddenly a small blond woman approaches me and begins to speak "Hello Mr. De Santi is there anything I can help you with?"


Was my flat reply

"Well if you need anything you can ask me."

I gave a curt nod and got into the elevator with Bambi in my arms. I go by De Santi here because I won't take any chances with my actual name being Vera.

This bold woman has no respect what so ever. She didn't even give Bambi a second look before trying to get to me.

God bitches like her piss me off.

Going the the highest floor before mine I have to get off and take a separate stair case that needs key access then I take a flight of stairs to my penthouse. That needs a code to get in and my fingerprint.

It's not easy for someone to get up here unless it's me. Getting inside and going straight for my bedroom I set her down putting a blanket over her sleeping form I leave the room.

Going to my office I go and revisit the background check I did on Bambi. Reading it, it stayed:

Name: Adora Adamos
Age: 19
DOB: 4/11/00
Valeria Santos Adamos age: 42
Carlo Adamos age: 52
Siblings: Anthony Adamos 21
Family status: Deceased
Date of death: 09/01/0017

Hmmm I guess they died a year ago today she's going to be hurting when she wakes up

Description of death:
fatal Car accident no survivors.


Putting down the file I go to my mini bar and pour myself a whiskey. With drink in hand I make my way back to my room. Sitting down in my favorite leather chair I sit and wait.

Wait for her to wake up.

I still don't understand why the hell I care about this ragazza. I walked over to her and leaned down to look at her clearly.

It's now 5am and she's still out the sun is making its way up. I can't explain how the hell I feel I just get this feeling in my chest I don't recognize it and I can't help but hate it.
I have this unexplainable feeling and urge to protect her with my life.

*time skip to where I left off last chapter*

Holding her leg over my thighs I ask her why? Why the fuck she would buy my services for herself? She hesitates I can read her like a book she's ashamed I can see it.

Placing my hand on her thigh I rub circles to try and comfort her.

Finally she begins to speak.

She tells me everything about when her parents died a year ago Up to now.

The Assassin ( Mafia Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now