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Adora's POV

No! No! Stop I don't want you! I don't want be here! Sin let me go, don't touch me LET GO!

I felt his cold hands run along my body his hot breath against my neck. I pulled against the restraints he put me in, pulled until I felt a heavy sting on my wrists.

I scream and thrash trying to get away from this sick son of a bitch. I kick and squirm under him, to no avail. I cry I feel my tears rushing down my cheeks. I feel helpless,

I am helpless I'm not worth anything, I should just give up like he said. I'm worthless I can't even help myself!

I jerked foreword feeling someone touching me, and next thing I knew I was far from the threat I believed was touching me.

I then took a second to breath looking around the room I realize I'm in Arsenio's room where he sent me to bed. I look forward and see him, adrenaline fueling my fear and anxiety in a second i lunge forward locking my arms around his neck and I feel him immediately hold me in his arms.

"you okay bambina?" I hear him ask, but I don't have an answer so I stay quiet in his arms nodding my head slowly to reassure him.

I know he wants to ask, but i don't think I'm prepared to tell him. I can't, I won't.

I scoot out of his hold and feel his hesitation to let me go, but he does so anyway.

I lay in the middle of the bed and open up the comforter so he can sleep in bed with me. I felt bad for making him sleep on the couch and I was scared, him being my safety I felt comfortable with him.

Without hesitation he gently climbs in, he try's to spoon me but I have other ideas. I slap his hands lightly and push him to lay flat on his back. He doesn't complain so I take that as a sign to continue.

I then slowly make my way on top of his chest laying my head down and intertwining our legs together. I then grab hold of his arms and lock them around my body, feeling safe in his arms I gently peck his chest and I feel his hold tighten slightly.

I soon close my eyes and sleep to the soothing lul of his heart beating against his chest.


Adora's POV

I woke with Senio still sleeping soundly under me. I felt completely safe in his arms, arms I never thought I would feel again.

I felt comfortable, but I couldn't kick the feeling of not being good enough for his hold. I slowly got off of him, or at least try to but he held on tighter. "Bambi no." He whined in a sleepy morning voice, god he sounds hot, but I can't take this.

"Senio let go- please" he flipped us over so I was under him. He nuzzled his face into my neck breathing in my scent. "I missed you Bambi, I did." I let out a breath and tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"Bambi stop moving, ugh-" he grunted and that's went I felt him- stiff against my thigh.

I stopped moving and laid still. "Please get off now." He reluctantly rolled off and laid down next to me. I got up and was about to go to the bathroom, when he held my wrist and I got a flashback-

He yanked my arm back and pushed me up against the nearest wall. The cold wall hitting against my skin I winced in pain. He put his hands all over me and I hated every second.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yanked my arm out of his hold and ran to the bathroom slamming the door shut. I heard Senios footsteps running up to the door he knocked softly. "Adora, you okay? I'm sorry love."

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