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Unknowns POV

I held her in my arms feeling her, the life drifting, draining from the vessel she occupied. "Please- please no-" I beg the gods the universe everything out there that has power to let me keep her.

She gave me life, I love her, what the hell am I going to do if I lose her. "No, no, no! No!"

I held her close to my chest, not wanting to leave her for any reason, the blood pooled and the warm liquid drenched my clothing, I wanted to be with her for her last moments I wanted her to know she's not alone even though it burned me inside, to see her laying there. I didn't care the crimson could drench and stain my clothing if it meant I would wake up to see her another day, to smell her sweet scent, to hear her melodic voice-

I could feel my tears drench my cheek but I couldn't be bother to clear them, I don't care, I don't give a fuck who sees me and thinks I am weak,


"per favore dio ti prego non portarmela via, non essere così crudele non portarmi via un pezzo di me, morirò, non ce la farò senza di lei, cazzo!"

(please god i beg you don't take her from me, dont be so cruel don't take a piece of me away ill die i will not make it without her, fuck!)

I pushed down on her wound hoping praying that it would magically stop her from leaking that damn red crimson.

"Help! Please no fucking shit HELP ME! HELP HER!"

"Bambi, Bambi please" I push off the hands that try to pull me away and ignore the voices telling me there isn't anything that can be done.

"ella se ha ido, ella está en los cielos ahora, no podemos ayudarla, solo espero que su alma descanse bien" (she is gone, she is in the heavens now, we cannot help her, just hope her soul will rest well)


"Please, Bambi, come here," his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me from my mothers body. I pulled away brining my sweet mother to lay on me.

"Mommy, mami por favor, no me dejes, no otra vez por favor, te lo suplico, necesitas conocer a mi bebe no puedes irte sin conocerlos por favor !!!" (mommy please, don't leave me, not again please, i am begging you, you need to meet my baby you can't leave without meeting them please!!!)

I cry I plead, beg, curse swear, I want blood. I want revenge that piece of shit killed my mother- stole the rest of her life- I want him to pay.


*minuets earlier*

Adora's POV

Johnny had his arms locked around my neck and gun pointed to my head.

I was clutching my stomach with my life, ready to protect my baby at all cost, I need to protect my baby.

I could see Arsenio, my father, mother and Luca talking, making a plan- but I refuse to be the damsel in distress.

Arsenio let go of my mother and was talking to my dad when I locked eyes with my mother she mouthed the words "saca las armas bèbè" in that moment I impulsively acted

Without a second thought I went for the dagger hidden between my thighs. I gripped it and without a second thought I jabbed it into his abdomen,

But as soon as I did that a shot rang out directly In my ear. I felt disoriented I shook and fell from the intensity of the sound. I feel but when I did I saw my mother, her body lay on the ground feet from me,

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