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Arsenio's POV

God damn Russian scum drugged me and took my Bambi from me. Now I'm in the basement with Luca, Luciano, and Val trying to locate our sister from the tracking chip she has in her neck.

They both have one and so does my mother, just for precaution I got everyone chipped a few years back.

I didn't get one, but I have a ring with a blue gem on my thumb, it has a tracker In it. I never got the chance to get Adora a ring but I was going to but these damn Russians got ahead of me.

"God fucking damnit LUCA FIND THEM!" I was losing my shit at this point.

I wanted my baby sister and Bambi back and now. Stupid fuck heads really think they can get to me by getting her? They don't even fucking know who the hell I am! They think she belongs to Luciano, but little do they know she is mine and I am the fucken mafia Don!

Assholes messed with the wrong woman and empire!

They really think she would be dumb enough to allow them to take control over her?

They must be fucking delusional, I know Bambi and Amaura can defend themselves both Luca and Amaura were trained by their father when they were 5 up until now.

They know how to handle their shit, but the thought of these animals touching what's mine.

Now that drives me fucking insane. I woke up about an hour ago to my mother standing over me with an empty cup of water, the water now drenching my face.

"Listen to me Arsenio Dante Vera, and you listen well boy." She said with her manicured nail in my face. "You get my baby and daughter in law back safely or so help me god, I will murder you myself!"

It clicked in my head what was going on and I instantly came down to Lucas security room and told his ass to find them. For the fucking time being her chip keeps going in and out of range.

Last time it was in range of something she was going down 95th, we all assume they are trying to get to a dock and leave the country by boat.

"Any fucking update?!"
"Nah, they are completely off the grid I can't get a signal on her!"
"I swear to god Luca if we don't find them I'll-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP, ALL OF YOU OR I WILL PERSONALLY HELP YOUR MOTHER KILL YOU, I am freaking out over here and you dumb fucks keep arguing!" Valentina interrupted with no hesitation.

"Arsenio I need you to bring me back my fucking girls you hear me!? I want my daughter to meet her beautiful aunts!!" Val screamed at us looking out of breath by the end of it.

"Here baby, have some water." Luciano hands her a glass and she drinks it all In one go.

"Alright I need all our men on the streets, and I don't want them to stop till they fucking find my Bambi and Amaura, capire?!" (Understand?!)

I'll fucking kill every last fucking Russian if I have too, I won't let them take her. Over my dead fucking body.

I looked around the room at my most trusted people, and suddenly something clicked for me.

"aspetta un attimo, come cazzo ha fatto un russo a entrare nella mia fottuta casa?" (wait a minute, how the fuck did a russian get into my fucking house!?)

"I trust my men and shit but there is no god damn way these fuck heads are smart enough to get into my house!" I look around reading their faces recognition and realization flashing in their eyes.

"un ratto." (A rat.) they all said at the same time.

"We need to get these bastards to talk, I want to know who the fuck dared to betray me, US!"

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