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Arsenio's POV

I was in my Bugatti in the car with Luciano and baby Aurora trailing behind the 2 black Cadillacs that held the most important person to me inside.

I decided last minute that I didn't want to stay home and wait around for Adora to show up whenever and I needed to know she was safe, there is no fucking way anything is keeping me from her again.

And of course Luciano being the control freak he is (a trait we both share) persuaded me to drive him and Aurora to the mall as well. He filled my head with stupid shit I know would never happen but nonetheless I gave in and we left minutes after they did.

Now we're listening to 'baby shark' the Italian translation and Aurora is in the car seat in the back babbling along to the melody. That baby has me wrapped around her little finger and I don't want to admit it, but I want a baby, and soon.

Adora is 19 and I don't know how she feels about that I mean, we just had sex for the first time last night, I don't want to pressure her. I'm not even sure if I can have children anyway I tried to have a child for the sake of having an 'heir' a few years back, but It didn't work out because I one, didn't find the right woman that fit to my liking and two, my mother told me my father had a very low chance of ever having children and I was their 'Un piccolo miracolo' (little miracle) which I think he now regrets having me while burning in the pits of hell, because I was his executor and downfall.

"Squalo bebè fa fa fa fa"
"La mamma squalo fa fa fa fa"
"Lo squalo papà fa fa fa fa"

"Shut up Luciano or I swear to-" he interrupts me with his obnoxious loud singing, Aurora giggling and babbling in the back.

"Zio squalo fa fa fa fa"

"Ti piace tanto fratello non prendermi in giro!" (You love it brother dont bullshit me)

"For her sake I tolerate it, but if you keep pushing, I will push you out of this moving vehicle." I roll my eyes and follow to SUVs into the mall parking garage.

I attempt to turn the music down but aurora immediately began to sob not hearing her favorite song.

I wait 15 minutes helping Luciano feed, burp, and change little Aurora's diaper.

"Dio il suo piccolo gas è tossico" (God her little gas is toxic)

"Glad she's not my baby, but I love my little niece." I make googlie eyes at her and she giggles at me blowing a raspberry on her hand and making a surprised face at the noice she discovered and giggling more.

"Up now little one lets go find your aunt Bambi, yes?" She looks up at me with her shining bright eyes and nods as if understanding and hanging off of every word.

"If you spoil my child I will move us to Canada and never speak to you again."
I laugh and look behind me at Lucianos dumbass pouting face, feeling left out because I'm carrying Aurora and he's got the empty stroller.

"Too bad, she loves me more than you." I stick my tongue out at him and push the button for the elevator.

"Nope, you take the stairs Val says elevators aren't good for Aurora, so get to walkin daddy in training." I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Don't call me that. And fine, meet you at the top." He gets in the elevator and I start up the stairs.

"Aurora, Voglio darti un cugino con cui diventare delinquente, ma non sono sicuro che tua zia sarebbe d'accordo" (I want to give you a cousin to become partners in crime with, but I'm not sure your aunt would agree)

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