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Arsenio's POV

"Please, please, Senio-" she begs as I rock back and forth into her in a unbearably slow place that was torturous even for me, but I wanted to hear her beg.

"Mmm, not good enough, baby" I continue my slow movements, I feel her nails digging into my back breaking skin I groan in pleasurable pain. "Arsenio so help me god I won't allow you to touch me ever, if you don't give me what I want!"

"Such a demanding little thing, hmm?" I pull out of her sweet hot core until the my tip is the only thing inside, then I ram into her, we both moan out in unbelievable pleasure.

"Fuck- Bambi I love you!" I connect our lips in a rough angry kiss while ramming my cock into her feeling her walls constrict around me, I bite her bottom lip hearing her let out a moan.

"Se- Senio-"

"Say. It. Again."

"Arsenio-" I grip her thighs to keep her from squirming away from me. "Questo è quello che volevi tesoro, non cercare di scappare ora" (This is what you wanted baby, don't try to get away now) I kiss down her neck to her collarbone, going down the valley of her perky breasts I take one of her erect nipples into my mouth sucking, nipping, and tugging. She's a moaning mess under me, I slow my pace down, pushing into her harder so she can feel my every inch  inside of her.

"Oh- Arsenio! Fuck!" She spasms under me and I know she's close. "I know Bambi. I know, cum for me." I bring down my hand and apply pressure to her clit with my thumb I give it a hard pinch and that sends her over the edge. She releases all over my cock, while I pump into her loving the feeling of her cum coating my cock, I thrust into her a few more times watching as I disappear inside her until I find my release inside her, while pushing her into another orgasm.

I can feel her long nails on my lower back breaking skin. "That's right baby, you're my dirty little Bambi, you like when I make you cum... make you whither under me, scream my name over and over"

I pull out of her and kiss down her tummy getting to her core I lick up all of her sweet release not giving a shit about cumming inside her, I flatten my tongue against her core lapping at it.

Her hands go to my hair and pull me closer to her. I suddenly flip us over so her core is hovering over my face. "Dios mio-" she whispers as I instruct her to grind her core into my face while I suck and lick her folds and clit.

I watch her and she throws her head back in pleasure as I watch her reflection on the ceiling mirrors that were installed for this exact purpose. Her eyes are screwed shut and her mouth is parted in an O shape.

I tighten my hold on her thighs while caressing them as well. It turns me on being able to see her face while she is receiving pleasure from me.

She continues to grind down on my face while I delve my tongue deeper into her sweet slit. "Mmm you taste so sweet baby" she moans in response and I reach a hand up to her breasts squeezing and playing with her pebbled nipple. "Fuc- don't stop!" She pleads and I comply not stopping but fucking her with my mouth till she's like a faucet gushing all over my face while I continue to drink her in.

She rolls off me while breathing hard, I roll over on my side caressing her tummy, mind blown at the fact that a baby, my baby is growing inside her- that I even had to power to get her pregnant! I mean- we only fucked one time!

"It's a girl I know it, my little mini Bambi, yes?" She giggles and throws her arms over her face shielding her adorable blush from my eyes. I get on top of her again removing her arms from her face I kiss each cheek and kiss down to her flat stomach.

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