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*Warning all if not most of this chapter is full of mature content please no not read if these types of scenes bother you!!*

Arsenios POV

"Fuck me Arsenio." she looked me in the eyes with her sweet innocent doe eyes while she leaned into me rubbing herself against my crotch.

I groaned at her sweet torture. "Adora."
I grabbed her shoulders gently pushing her over so I was now leaning over her.

"Adora- baby- as much as I would love to fuck your brains out..." I didn't want to say this the wrong way... but then again I've never been one to beat around the bush so I just say it.

"Not tonight bambi-" before I can get another word in she pushes me off of her and curls up on her side into a fetal position.

I hear her whimper and sob quietly.

"You're dis- disgusted by me- aren't you..." I thought I misheard when she said that bullshit, not want her? I would be fuckn insane not to want my Bambi.

"Adora, fanculo bambina non dire quella merda perché sai che non è vero!" (Fuck baby girl don't say that shit because you know it isn't true!)

I got up and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her into my chest kissing her all over her neck and jaw. She was tense in my arms before she relaxed and sobbed quietly.

I hate to hurt her and make her feel unwanted because this just isn't the fucking case.

"Why- why don't you want me anymore? Is it because s-sin tried to touch me?" She turned around in my hold I stared down at her beautiful blue eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"No fuck no, don't ever say his fucking name again!" I held her tightly against me rubbing her back gently.

"I just don't feel like it's the right time- as fucking tempting and sexy as you are to me, I don't want you to regret your choice." I sounded like a fuckn pussy but I was being honest.

She was driving me absolutely mad knowing all she had on underneath these blankets was a flimsy towel. God- I just wanted to rip it off and pound into her sweet core.

"I- I won't regret it- I won't." She tried to sound like she had authority in her voice, it was cute, but not convincing enough.

"Bambi-" she cut me off with a sweet hot torturous kiss on my lips. I reacted immediately to her soft lips against my own, I mean how the fuck could I not?

I dipped my head down deepening the kiss delving my tongue into her precious little mouth. I tighten my grip around her waist bringing her impossibly closer to me.

She pulled away eventually needing air, and I continued kissing over her jaw and down her neck.

"Never and I mean never Adora say some stupid shit like that again." I bury my head in the crook of her neck and give it a gentle kiss.

"When I do finally take you and claim you as mine baby, I promise..." I get close to her ear and trail my hand down her stomach going south to her core, stopping just before I get to her I whisper huskily "you'll feel me between your legs for days after I make my completely mine."

I feel her shiver under me and I rub slow circles on her clit applying pressure and feeling her jerk her hips into my hand.

"Easy bambi, patience..."

I rub her clit and tease her entrance making her whimper out in frustration "don- don't tease me-" before she can continue her sentence I go between her legs spreading them open for me.

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