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Adora's POV

I woke up suddenly feeling the truck engine turn off. I expect to see the front of the hotel building I was originally taken too.

But to my utter and completely surprise and confusion. I was faced with a huge mansion in front of me and by the looks of it, it is in the middle of fuckn nowhere.

Looking over at the drivers side I see Arsenio is no longer in the vehicle. Suddenly my door opens and he is at my side.

"Where are we?" I ask rubbing the drowsiness out of my eyes.
"This Bambi, is your new home."
Smirking at me as if knowing what I was thinking he unbuckles my seatbelt and slips his arm behind my back and another under my knees. Picking me up bridal style he shuts the door and begins walking to the doors.

"You didn't actually believe I was going to take you back to the penthouse did you baby?"
Rolling my eyes I don't say a thing. "Bambi I'm talking to
you... are you annoyed, hmmm?"

A monotone "Yes." Is all I respond with.

Kissing the side of my face he says "Bambi this is my actual home the penthouse is a decoy of sorts."

"We will be staying here since the penthouse was compromised and I can't put you in danger."
Putting his hand under my chin he turns my face so I could look at him. He winks at me and we begin walking inside.

He opens the big door and as soon as we walk in I'm greeted with Luciano and Valentina. Standing with a now bigger belly looks like she's ready to pop. It has been 2 months if I remember correctly she was about 5 months when she helped me escape. So she's 7 months pregnant.

Wow I can't imagine lugging around that big baby in my tummy.

I quickly get out of Arsenio's hold and run to her. Gently bringing her into a long sweet motherly hug. I find myself tearing up before I'm able to stop myself. The tears leave my eyes.


"Oh Adora sweetie you are as beautiful as ever caro"
Giving me her best pearly white smile. I give her one back kissing her cheek.

"Oh, Valentina I'm so sorry for making you help me it could have ended badly."

"Don't start being regretful now darling it already happened and it was the most fun I have had in a while"
Smiling at me she turns to look at Luciano and smirks

"I got to kick this idiot in his precious man jewels so it was definitely worth it."
Now looking over my shoulder at Arsenio she lets me go and grabs my hand leading me back to Arsenio.

"How was your trip, stronzo" (A-hole)
I felt my eyes widen as she called him that. She definitely has more confidence then me at this point.

Arsenio just gives her a sly smirk "just peachy cognata" and walks towards Luciano. But I don't miss his hands that are balled into fists at his sides.

I looked down at her belly "can I touch it?" She smiles at me and guides my hand that she's holding to her stomach. I suddenly feel it move. I swiftly pull my hand back amazed by her belly. She laughs and said "the baby, she knows who you are I have told her much about you!"

I freeze for a moment replaying her words in my mind.


"ITS A GIRL?!" She laughs out loud and pulls my down a hall into a very beautiful living room it is a theme of dark reds, black, and browns. Pulling me down on the couch she says "YES!" "It is a girl my little principessa! I can't wait to meet her I want her out! Now!" I laugh at her and rest my head on her shoulder. She caresses my hair lovingly and asks me.

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