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Arsenio's POV

I pulled up to the house and I saw a black Mercedes I didn't recognize outside. I pulled in like normal when I was getting out of my car I spotted a man, a man I knew very well and recognized instantly stepped out of the car.

As well as a woman and a young guy who all had a very strong resemblance to my Bambi. First thing I impulsively thought of doing was beating this guys ass.

I walked up to her father Mr.Adamos fucking prick, left his baby girl alone for the fucking mafia to swallow her up and run her over without her even being aware.

I cut his words off before he could get anything out and decked his ass right in the jaw. His son I'm assuming tried charging at me but Luca held him back while Luciano got out of his car pulling up right after me with Val and the baby.

"You," I point at all of them looking at them with my emotionless cold stare. Feeling their fear and uneasiness. "Left that girl ALONE you fucking abandoned her!"

"We- we left her mon-" I punch the side of the car with force the windshield cracked a bit.

"FUCK THE MONEY! You left her ALONE SHE THOUGHT YOU WERE ALL DEAD! You broke her fucking heart and I'll be damned if I let all your asses walk on my property to see the girl you fucking abandoned!"

I looked them all in the eyes and I swear to god I wanted to kill them all right now. Her mother looked beyond guilty. While her brother masked all emotion with anger, and her father was a mirror image of his son, no emotion, but I knew how to read people too well they were pissed and feeling just as guilty as her mother.

"Now. I am going to count to 3 and you will be getting back into your fuck ass little vehicle, and you're going to get the hell off my property."
I was about to step away and go inside the gate when her brother jr.Adamos decided to butt in.

"Yeah, I don't think that's for you to decide and anyway who the fuck are you to her?! That's MY SISTER IN THERE I SHOUDLNT NEED TO ASK YOUR PERMISSION TO SEE HER!" In that moment I decided to be calm and not kill this kid for that sake of my Bambi.

"Now, kid. I know this may be hard to comprehend for your little simple mind, but when you left your "sister" you, ALL OF YOU left her alone with no protection, the day you decided to leave her behind like nothing, was the day you renounced your claim or whatever the HELL you think you have on Adora."

Without hearing another word from them I walk to Val taking Aurora from her hands and cooing at her cute little light brown eyes.

I want a baby, definitely some day I want a baby, but for now I'll be content with being an uncle.

"HEY, let go of my baby buzz off with all your negativity your vibes will rub off on my little sunshine." Luciano scolded me but I ignored and got to the door of the house opening it I came face to face with Adora on the couch

Laying down on the couch watching "Finding Dory" with Amaura taking a face mask off her. She looks so adorable and I couldn't help but fucking think what seeing her parents would do to her.

She's already shaken up from being taken from me by velcouv. Now her family miraculously coming to life. Hell no! Hell fucking no, not on my fucking watch.

I walk in and tell Luciano and Val to sit back for a sec. I go in and Bambi looked over at me hearing my footsteps coming into the room. She looks at me and smiles a little but then looks back over at the tv.

"Ciao piccolo com'è andata la giornata?" (Hey little one how was your day?) she doesn't look at me but whispers a little "good" that I wouldn't have heard if I wasn't looking at her lips.

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