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Adora's POV

"Bambi" I hear a sexy morning voice I've grown to enjoy very much in the morning.

I feel his hands on my shoulders lightly pushing to wake me. "Mmmm, not now" I swat at his hands and roll onto my side turning my back to him.

"Mmm, Bambi, up now- my mother and yours are in here, get up and get them out" it registered in my mind what he said and then I hear his mother's soothing voice.

"Senio I swear if I wasn't holding the box with the dress inside I would chuck it at your head!"

'My dress!' Now I'm intrigued, but not enough to get me out of bed... "if you don't get up now darling, you're going to be late to your own wedding."

'My wedding! I COMPLETELY FORGOT' I was up in seconds kissing Senio on the cheek and he rolled over wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling be back down, "a real kiss Bambi, not that 13 year old bull" he puckered his lips and pulled me in giving me a sweet sensual kiss.

"A preview... hmm?" He whispers in my ear after we detach lips.
"I can't wait" I wink and pat his cheek and leave out to door with both mothers.

"Are you exited mi niña hermosa" my mom asks while leading me into a studio like room, that has hard wood floors and a canopy bed in the middle.

A big glass vanity sits in the far wall and as soon as they sit me down in the vanity chair, the girls come in with robes on and cute face masks.

"Good morning!" Maura comes in singing while Val is holding her hands over her ears rolling her eyes.

"Shhh, it's too early to be so energetic!" It then hits me, I have no idea what time it is.

I look at the vanity to find a digital clock I see it reads 5:40AM

"Why are we up so early again?" I groan suddenly feeling tired.

I slump in my seat dramatically and Ana laughs "oh, caro you know the wedding is at 11AM and if we want to be on time we have to get you looking perfect and start early." I nod and then 3 men come in the room with makeup bags and other things.

"ciao cari siamo tornati e pronti a far sembrare la sposa la regina che può essere!" (hello darlings we are back and ready to make the bride look like the queen she can be!)

Val slumps in the bed "how are you three so energetic!" The men laugh and wink at her bringing out a tray full of coffee.

"Ooou YES, I knew I liked you jasper!" Amaura gets up and grabs a coffee.

"Would you like one bride to be?" The man jasper goes to hand me one but I decline.

"No, no, caffeine isn't good for the baby..." I smile and he smiles back at me widely. "OH! Yes! The BABY!"

He gives me a kiss on each cheek while the other two begin to pick out shades of makeup and things.

"Now go into the bathroom take a quick shower, come back out in a robe and we'll get started, Sí?" I nod and make my way to the bathroom.

I got into the shower and did my business, when I was finished I stood under the warm water thinking,

About 8-9 months ago I was ready to die, I hired a hit man, and now I'm marrying said hit man and carrying his baby.

Shit my life is a ride!

I wouldn't have it any other way, the most feared man who people only assume is a rumor, is the kindest man I have ever come across and he loves me like no other.

The Assassin ( Mafia Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now