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Adora's POV

*A month later*

I am currently sitting on the cold floor of my bathroom puking my guts out feeling like hell. It's 3am and I woke up and moments later I had the disgusting feeling of wanting to throw up so without any warning I jerked out of Arsenios hold and ran my ass to the bathroom to puke out the contents of my stomach.

"Bambi...?" He walked into the bathroom in all his manly glory and opened his eyes realizing the position I was currently in. "Shit-" he ran to me and immediately scooped up my hair holding it back while I had a round two with the toilet.

"It's okay, you're okay Bambi." He tried to sooth me by rubbing my back and kissing my temple. 5 minutes later and I could feel my stomach being empty. "Are you good?" He asked me while I stood up on wobbly legs, wiping my lips with tissue.

"Ye- yeah... just a little dizzy." I went over to the sink and washed my face and brushed my teeth twice to get the disgusting taste of vomit out of my mouth.

"Come here Bambi" I walked to him and he engulfed me in a tight comfortable embrace. "We will visit the nursing hall tomorrow if you keep feeling ill, yes?" I nodded in agreement and kissed his bare chest. "Okay" I whispered in agreement.

"Lets go to bed." He pulled me over and back into the room pushing me into bed and climbing on top of me cuddling me, laying his head on my tummy and directing my hands to shift into his full head of curly hair. "Goodnight Bambi." I hear him mutter and then give my tummy 2 kisses and shut his eyes in content.

"Nighty, night Senio" I drift off back into a peaceful slumber.


Senio and I were going to the doctors hall after breakfast but oddly enough we never made it, instead after breakfast Val and Maura dragged me to her room saying it was "urgent" and I needed to help them with something.

"Hey- what's- going on?" They dragged me into the bathroom slamming the door shut and looking at me with fireworks in their eyes.

"What?" I looked between them both slowly backing up becoming slightly freaked out by their expressions.

"Are you both on drugs?" I asked skeptically.

"When we're you going to tell us!?" Maur was the first to speak.

"I see that glow Ive lived it, and the sickness... went through hell with that... so out with it missy, how long??" I look at them both in confusion.

'What the f*ck are they going on about?'

I shake my head and tell them to cut the shit and just tell me what their talking about. "I have no fucking idea what you two are talking about just-"

And then it all clicks-
the late night/early morning sickness
The said "glow" on my face I enjoyed admiring this morning and so did Arsenio.

"Dios mio- no- no- lo creo- no puede ser- madre mia- fuck- fuck- nessun cazzo di modo-"
I shake my head frantically beginning to freak the fuck out-

(My god- no- no- I don't believe it- no it can't be- damnit- fuck- fuck- no fucking way-)

"Hey- no bad language in front of the child" maur says playfully, Val hits her arm smirking softly.

"Hush, come here I still have two tests in my cabinet from Aurora." She opens a cabinet under the sink and pulls out a small box containing the tests.

"Pee on the stick if you want to have proof but I don't think I'm wrong babe-" I nod and go into the back room to pee on the stick.

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