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*2 weeks later.*

Adora's POV

I have officially become the face of the American mafia in the underworld, yes. Me. My uncle Johnny taught me most things and didn't hesitate in handing over everything to me, the rest Arsenio took the initiative in helping me out as well.

The men were a little hesitant and some assholes were against it because I have ovaries which is bullshit, I have been doing pretty well as the 'boss' I hate the name honestly, but hey, what can you do?

Arsenio has been very good about showing me how to talk to these people and show that I am just as ruthless as my parents and demand respect.

As for my family, they were very reluctant about me being the face and taking over because the whole reason they "died" was to shield me from it.

My father even dared to say "that damn man is manipulating you, he wants to rule both the Italian and American mafia! He can't be trusted don't you see!"

I shut it down immediately of course and gave them a piece of my mind about how my trust lays with him because he didn't fake is death and leave me in the wind.

That was a low blow I know, but I'm still not over their explanation and the whole thing about them leaving me.

They are living in the villa tho, I just can't have them living off the grid anymore, I want them close and where I can see them, to make sure I wasn't having a realistic dream where I wake up and find out everything was fake.

On a better note tho- I am formally executing Sin Velcouv today. Finally making him pay his dues, Senio told me that he has been tortured and put through hell since the day he was caught. I intend to make his last living moment even worse then his last few weeks of torture.

I want to hear him beg me to kill him, sick I know, but I hate him with all my being, and it's a plus that I'll be setting my place and showing these people that I am not here to look pretty and play nice.

Arsenio came in last night telling me that "it was about time I showed these people what I was made of and "what better way to do it then to finally send your enemy to the deepest darkest pits of hell." I agreed and thanked him for remembering that I wanted to be the one to do it.

He kissed my forehead and said "thats my girl"

Yup. I'm swooning right now just remembering it- I mean... he is very attractive everything about him is just I- can't handle his crazy attractive body and face.

From his jet black curls, to his beautifully sculpted body and that masterpiece all over his upper body, neck and arms- dios mio- the man is a Greek god I can not stress that enough.

Enough of that now, I am sitting in my office, thinking about how I'm going to kill the poor excuse of a man in the basement that brought me hell. I want to see fear in his eyes when he looks at me, I want to physically feel his terror radiating off his being.

Suddenly my office door burst open Val and Amaura bust in looking around the room till they spot me in the over sized leather chair.

"HEYYYYY! So this is where you've been hiding for the past week huh?" Val says coming in and sitting on my desk while Amaura sits in one of the chairs in front of my best and props her feet up.

"Real nice Bambi, real nice-"

"Yeah it's nice, I feel cute and in charge" we all bust out laughing and then I sense something off Val and Amaura keep giving each other looks especially Val she's looking at her like "you better spill or I will."

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