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Arsenio's POV

*3 weeks later*

I woke up with my little Bambi laying on my chest. She resembles an angle in her sleep, I could watch her forever. Stroking her hair she pushes her face further into my chest, if someone were to have told me 3 months ago that I would be so obsessed with a woman.

I would have killed them on the spot for saying such ridiculous shit. Now, I'm not so sure. I am 9 years her senior and I have never had these types of feelings for anyone.

Not even my own mother, I would never hide a thing from this woman she invokes my honesty and although it irritates me to the bone at times, I wouldn't change it but I can't tell her this.

It will break her and even-though I'm here and will always be she will feel devastated and infuriated, this I know. I cannot tell her what the fûck is going on, she has the right to know, I know that but, it's simply not the time.

I hate, fucking hate not telling her but, I can't tell her because it will put her at risk and she will try to run again and that is a head ache I am trying to avoid. And for the time being that is how it will stay.

Staring down at her where we lay in these dark silky sheets I feel complete. Strange feeling, yes I know 3 months ago before she was put in my path I had a new bitch under me every night now, I can't even get my cock hard for a whore in shit that is barely considered clothing. My mother called a week ago stating that she is coming for a "visit".

I know why she is coming. She most likely caught word that I had Adora and she's curious to meet the woman of the under boss of the de Santi famiglia. I don't blame her either I have never showed her any woman, for a few years she'd call me and ask if I was gay.

I am not I just screw around and didn't ever want anything serious that went over a one night of fun. I told her that and she was disappointed and now, I'm sure she'll be elated. She's going to enjoy Adora's company I know she will.

I have come to realize from studying her for the past few weeks that she is a sputafuoco (spit fire). She has a couple of things that I've noticed she completely hates and if possible she would kill me given the chance, but I know she won't we have grown closer during these few weeks.

I sound like a fucking pussy Dio aiutami. (god help me)

I've made a mental list of things she absolutely despises starting off with:

#1. Telling her she can't do something. (She will do it no matter the cost she doesn't like being underestimated)

#2. Hates getting up in the morning. (She kicked me in the jaw, last week and I had to give her a punishment)

#3. Secrets and lies (she spit her water at me, when I lied to her about going to a club with Lucy... she got another punishment)

#4. She gets this look in her eyes when she's got something up her sleeve. It's like a glint a sparkly I guess, in my eyes it's beautiful but, I'd recommend being cautious.

#5. She gets these moments of absence where she completely locks up she retreats into her mind and it's like she goes somewhere else I think I know what she's doing because I use to do it when I was a kid and my father beat me.

His dumb ass punishments would go too far and he would push me over the edge. So, I'd pull back and go into my mind where I could no longer feel or hear the real world, until I deemed it safe to "wake up".

I'm not sure how she gained the ability to do that, but it's a good skill to have.

#6. She becomes a little demon when not fed or given attention or sweets for a long period of time.

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