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Do you think I'll let them live a happy ending or no?

Adora's POV
2 weeks later

Life has been very tranquil and according to Arsenio it's been "too quite" and he suspects the Russians are planning something, so we are getting married in three days.

He made the decision last night while being buried deep within me. The baby is doing fine, my stomach has been growing and my mother has become very close with Arsenios, my dad on the other hand is very adamant about stopping the wedding and he tried on multiple occasions to pull me aside and tell me

"There is still time to pack and run my sweet girl, we can leave and never see this guy again."

I of course always roll my eyes and dismiss him, I don't want to run away especially from the man I love, he's been so caring lately.

He always asks about the baby and comes into my office to bring me small snacks.
Right now I'm laying on a chair outside by the pool with Val.

Since my brother basically kidnapped Maura they left and said they had "business" to attend to, have not been back in 2 days-

Arsenio and Luciano sent their men out to find them, they had no luck for a day but finally located them at the family beach house.

"I would not be surprised if Amaura comes back with a fetus in her."

"Ew don't say that, all I can picture is her and my broth- ew think naked grandmas Adora!" I gag and she laughs causing me to laugh.

"You know that wedding of yours seems so soon- are you sure you're ready? Considering you're marrying Arsenio?"

"I have never been more sure in my life, Arsenio, as fucked up as it sounds he's been the only constant in my life and he made it very clear that I am his and of course he is mine."

She faked tears wiping her eyes.
"Awe that's so sweet, he's changed so much compared to how he use to be."

"Luciano and him use to go around bar hopping, he once bought a bar and burned it down in the same few hours! Luciano spilled his guts out on our 6th date I think, it's crazy how much shit they use to get into."

"I'd like to hear more about his little escapades" she nods then looks behind me,

"Thats gonna have to wait darling, someone's here to see you" I turn around in my seat and see Anagracia coming my way. (Arsenio's mom)

"Hey, darling how are you doing?" I scoot over for her to sit next to me. She sits and I notice in her hand a book.

"voglio che tu veda quando Arsenio era un ragazzino" (i want you to see when Arsenio was a small boy)

"Oh! Yes! I've been dying to know what he was like when he was small." She smiles and me and Val comes to sit next to us wanting to join as well.

"Do you have any pictures of Luciano in there?"

"I have plenty when Apollo was gone I took as many pictures as possible" she smiled at the memory as if reliving it.

"Apollo?" I ask and she whispers under her breath. "His father, my ex- husband" I nod realizing that man must have caused her horrible pain.

"I'm sorry, for what he may have put your through." I lay my hand on hers and she smiles up at me.

"Oh, tesoro non devi scusarti non è colpa tua" (darling you don't have to apologize it's not your fault)

"I know but,"

"Shh let me tell you how my little boy grew up." I smile and nod exited to hear about him.

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