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Adora's POV

We were calmly sitting in his huge dining room.  He has asked if I was hungry and despite being absolutely confused out of my mind I had agreed because I was in fact hungry and who could resist free food.

Despite telling him I could sit on my own he insisted I sit on his lap. Not caring so long as I got food I could bare it.  And he was quite comfortable might I add.

Sitting and eating eggs bacon and pancakes for breakfast I didn't say a word and dug in. While eating I noticed he was staring at me almost as if analyzing my every move.

I didn't comment because as charming as he looked I know he is a killer and was supposed to kill me. I don't want to accidentally set this killing machine off.

Who's to say he's not playing with me and he's getting off on making me think I'm safe. Well... as safe as I could possibly be with a supposed


Arsenio's POV

I got carried away when kissing her I'll admit, I just couldn't control myself. That's why I spared her and she is with me now.

When she told me she had hired me to end her own life, I felt anger bubbling inside of me. I concealed it well because I didn't want to frighten her.

But the thought of any harm coming to my little Bambi Is infuriating. I have this twisted sense of ownership towards the girl. 

She calms and distracts my demons while she's around. I won't let her go


I want to gain her trust. I have never given a fuck about anyone this is new to me and I've only had her for a few hours.  I plan on keeping her forever.

She doesn't want to live anyway, right?

I'll keep her here with me. Looking at her while she ate I couldn't help but stare at her It amazed me how just sitting on me so close to me Is making my body go haywire.

I saw she was almost done eating so I decided to ask "Who told you about me?"

She froze setting the fork down. She side glanced me before speaking.

"A guy I beat at a game of pool owed me a favor." She shrugged at the end of her sentence.

"Hmmm" I responded while nodding

"Your family died a year ago today, hmmm?"

She looked almost shocked but when her face fell seeming to realize  who I was and that I knew everything important or useful about her because I was killing her.

Turning on my lap she got comfortable and asked  "Are you going to kill me?"

All the emotion drained from my face listening to her questions. A reminder of what she tried to do suddenly hit me.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"You'll be with your family again, yes?"

She nodded her head hesitantly

At that moment I got up swiftly with her still in my arms. She had no other option but to curl her legs around my waist.

Walking over to the living room I sat down with her straddling me once again. Grabbing her chin and moving her to face me with a heavy tone I said

"No harm will come to you as long as I'm breathing, do you understand?"

She looked confused but nodded her head.
Slowly and quietly she asked

The Assassin ( Mafia Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now