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Adora's POV

Once on Arsenio's lap he didn't want to let me sit back down in the passenger seat.

He held me while driving, It was sweet I guess but all I'm focused on is how the hell I'm going to make my escape again.

Being in his hold is familiar even as short of a time span we had together.

I don't remember when I dozed off but I do slightly recall being carried to who knows where. I couldn't help but cuddle into the warm chest I knew belonged to Arsenio.

Waking up to the harsh sunlight on my face I took a moment to take in my surroundings. I was in a fancy looking room clearly in a hotel. I could tell from the landline phone on the nightstand and the robes with the hotels name stitched on.

'Raphael's casa'

Its a very cute set up very modern bedroom that had plenty dark brown shades that went together perfectly, but unfortunately I don't plan on staying here. I need to get away, the faster the better.

Attempting to get up I didn't realize I had a steal like cuff around my waist stopping my grand escape. Looking down at my middle I realize it's non other than my big bad assassin.

Trying two more times to get up only for Arsenio to tighten his grip like a boa constrictor, I admit defeat and feeling him stuff his face into my neck I can't help but giggle from his facial hair tickling my skin.

"Mmm you're not getting away from me that simply baby..."
Feeling his breath fan against my neck i recoil from the feeling.

"I have to pee"


'This sly bastardo' I thought.

"Arsenio I am going to pee on you if you don't let me go." Feeling him smirk against my neck he says the boldest thing.

"Do it, I will have an excuse to shower with you then."

Letting out a defeated huff I turn my body to face him. My hands making contact with his face I trace every contour of his beautifully sculpted face. Of course I can't admit that to him because why inflate his ego more...?
(Warning slight sexual content)

Suddenly getting an idea I begin to trail kisses all on his neck and throat. Giving me a satisfied groan from deep in his throat I continue my assault until I feel his hands shift from my back to my waist then my butt.

Giving it a hard squeeze I let out a yelp while he chuckles at my reaction. Trying harder to get out of his hold I finally get up and quickly dash out of bed.

He lets out a tired groan and sits up laying against the head board.

"Bambi make it quick or I'll be in there in 10 minutes."

Sticking out my tongue and skipping to the bathroom I look in the mirror. I don't look half bad surprisingly. My hair is kind of a mess and I look a little sleep deprived but it's nothing a nice shower can't fix.

Doing all my hygienic duties I make my way into the beautiful shower. The whole bathroom was a very nice color scheme of dark green, emerald green and a little red. It was very pretty.

Turning the water as hot as my body will take I feel the water hitting my back and instantly I feel my body relax.

Taking my sweet ass time I shampoo my hair and wash my body. I don't hear the bathroom door close but soon I feel a presence inside with me.

Brushing it off assuming it's just Arsenio I continue my shower till I'm satisfied. Turning the water off and opening the shower door I quickly grab a nice fluffy towel and engulf myself in it.

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