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Adora's POV

Right now I was in the middle of my big hulk of an assassin and my father about to throw down in-front of us all in Arsenio's beautiful living room.

With a vase in hand and 5 armed  men pointing guns at my father and my brother pointing a gun right at Senio I am in the middle trying to stop it all. My mother on the couch just watching open mouthed and shocked, I think she knows my father well enough that he will poke the bear but will not attack... at least for my sake-

I hope.

We make eye contact and she gives me a small smirk and nods her head curtly giving me the sign we once used to say "saca las armas bebé" it's "bring out the guns baby" and my "guns" being my "mother" voice that she taught me how to use when I was little and boys would pull my little pig tales. Or my brother and father would be arguing at the table.

Suddenly I throw down the vase in my hands it shattering into pieces and everyone freezing in place my mother nodding her head looking proud, egging me on to continue.

Now I know what you guys might be thinking... no. I have not forgiven them and I don't plan on doing so till I'm sure they actually feel remorseful and this isn't a ploy for them to get their 'titles' back. Arsenio and I got home about 40 minutes ago to my family waiting In the living room looking very comfortable on the couch tied and gagged, waiting for our arrival.

We got into a heated argument, well, no, Senio, my father, and dear old brother got into a heated argument because Senio didn't like the answer my father gave to a question he asked.

For the record neither did I, but these assholes decided enough was enough and the first to stand up was my father then Arsenio and after they got in each others faces they drew in the guards and so my brother was the first to pull out a well concealed weapon from an ankle holster.

"Basta pinches imbéciles, estoy cansada de esta mierda, Antonio, voy a necesitar que guardes la maldita pistola antes de que rompa un maldito jarrón en la cabeza. ¿¡ENTENDIDO!?"

(enough assholes i'm tired of this shit, Antonio im going to need you to put the fucking gun away now before i break a damn vase on your head. GOT IT!?)

My mother taught me Spanish because her mother was from Mexico and father from Italy, before they died of course, and she taught us all Spanish and I know Arsenio understands because he spoke it while on a phone call once, talking about a drugs shipment being sent through Venezuela.

He isn't aware I knew exactly what he was saying, I acted oblivious because it wasn't information he needed to know and it was when we were still on "are you killing me or not?"  terms.

I saw from the corner of my eye ant putting the gun away and I locked eyes with Senio and I saw pride in his eyes and adoration of sorts when he realized I spoke yet another language. I gave his a slight smile he returned and then looked around at his men.

"Diles que guarden sus armas, es solo mi familia, son inofensivos, todos pueden irse."

(tell them to put their guns away it's only my family, they are harmless, they can all go."

He nods and looks over at his men giving them a curt nod full of authority and they turn on their heals seconds later.

"Now." I breath and look up at my father, got I missed him- fuck- I hate to admit that I fucking missed them all, bad terms be damned I just want a hug right now. I need to touch them and feel for myself they they aren't going to disintegrate into the air at any second.

I look at my father teary eyed and look at my mother and brother and open my arms for them to all run and engulf me in their arms.

"Los odio a todos y no los perdono por lo que hicieron, pero maldita sea, los extrañé mucho." (i hate you all and i don't forgive you for what you did but dammit i missed you guys so much)

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