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Adora's POV

'Arsenio huh?'
What a pretty name for a dangerous man.

At least I knew his name now.

Sitting on his lap I was tempted to ask about the job he was doing tonight. Hoping he would leave me here alone so I can find a way out.

Since he isn't going to give me what I want... I'm going to have to get someone who will do the job they are being paid to do.

I'll admit I am afraid to die, but the outcome would be worth it. As sick and twisted as it may sound the hole I feel in my chest will not let up nor has it been filled for a whole year now and my family has been gone. Leaving me alone and hopeless.

It is so deviating to me that a year ago today we were talking and being a normal family. I still blame myself and feel guilty for not being with them on that day.

I should have been there. I should have gone with them. We could have even all gotten out alive. But I guess I'll never know.

But what I do know is that I'm going to see them again. And I'll make sure of it.

And let me be 'clear' no buff, sexy, dangerous assassin is going to stop me.

If he isn't going to help then he might as well stay the hell out of me way and let me go. Just then the man of the hour cut my thought process off with his thick velvety voice.

"I have a job tonight, as you heard I'm going to be gone for a few hours, but I'll make sure to leave someone to watch you Bambi."

My stomach dropped and my right eye twitched ever so slightly, I knew he read my discomfort and irritation.

"Oh Adora, you didn't actually think I'd trust you enough to leave you in my precious home unattended did you, bambina?"

My name rolled off his tongue so attractively I couldn't stop myself fast enough when I was already leaning closer to his face.

Realizing all too late his hands had steadily traveled to the back of my neck to hold me in place. Making sure I wouldn't pull away until he allowed it.

We kept eye contact his different colored eyes feeling like they were peering into my soul.

Our breaths mixing at the close proximity. I'm not sure which one of us leaned in enough to connect our lips but it happened. At first I hesitated wanting to pull away, but after his soft lips began to move at such an attractive pace I kissed him back.

Slowly my hands went up around his neck getting a hand full of his curly dark colored hair. Arsenio grunts into my mouth when he feels the hard pull in his hair, just to feel like I'm in control. In return I felt one of his hands give my right ass cheek a hard blow.

Causing my to whimper into his mouth. Wanting to pull away for air he takes it as his opportunity to kiss all over my neck.

Not realizing what I was doing before I did it. I couldn't contain my moans any longer and I moaned out his name.


He paused and looked down at me making eye contact. He put his hand softly around my throat and said


Confused and trying to catch my breath I don't say anything.

He applied a slight pressure around my neck
"My name Bambi say it. Again."

Kissing my jaw slowly up to my lips he gives me a small peck then bites my lower lip hard drawing blood.


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