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Arsenio's POV

I couldn't get the way Bambi moaned my name out of my head.

I'm sitting inside my black Maybach watching and waiting for the man Luciano wants me to 'abduct' and while doing so

I couldn't get the way Bambi moaned my name out of my head.
It was so hypnotic and it made me hard just thinking about her. Hearing her sweet voice in my head.

I was reluctant to leave her home with another person but me because knowing her. And her elusive ways she'll somehow get out. And if that happens in not worried because I'll be hot on her heals.

I'm outside of a club called sins. I followed the man Diego Vargas from his house and to the club let me tell you the man drives extremely recklessly.

If it weren't for me setting him up to be executed he would've died in a car accident.

Of course he would probably prefer the latter, but I don't take requests, unfortunate for him.

I want to do this job as quickly as I possibly can on account of Bambi being at home with Valentina, Lucianos wife.

It wasn't planned but after I left she called me and told me that she and I quote "NEEDED to meet her."

I swear Luciano and his big mouth. Told her all about Bambi and val was so exited she knew I wouldn't say no to her.

I could have said no. But she is 5 months pregnant so as to not be suffocated in my sleep by an angry pregnant woman I let it slide.

Turning off the ignition and getting out of the car I pulled my hood up over my head I approached the car I knew was Diego's. Once next to the cute looking Audi S7 I crouched and took out a very sharp blade from one of my ankle straps.

Once sure where I wanted it to go I plunged the blade into the tire and watched as the tire deflated. Doing the same thing to all 4 tires I walked back to my car and leaned up against it.

I waited for about 30 minutes until he walked out of the club with a blond on his arm.

He made his way to the car and once he was a good distance from the car he saw the damage I did to it.


"What the hell happened to my car!?"

Watching him throw a tantrum and successfully turn the blond bimbo off he made a call then started walking in my direction.

Lighting a cigarette and leaning against my car I act as if I'm not watching his every move.

He walked right past me and continues walking. Following behind him I dig into my left leg pocket and pull out a syringe to knock him out quickly I pick up my pace and yell

"Hey, stronzo!"

He turns around to face me and at that moment I send a punch to his jaw and plunge the needle into his neck. Watching his eyes closing and his body falling limp I put him up over my shoulder and head back to the car.

Adora's POV

"I'm Lucianos wife"

Still with a big smile and her shining green eyes she brings me back for another hug.

"My goodness Bella you are just gorgeous caro."

"Oh, thank you. "

I studied her once we sat down on the couch and noticed her extremely big round belly.

My eyes widened and she followed my stare.

"Oh yes! 5 months 2 days ago."

"Congratulations is- is it Lucianos?"

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