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Adora's POV

*2 months later*

My left leg is broken and my left eye, cheek, and chin are swollen from the beatings I have been enduring from Raphael- or should I say Sin. I truly don't give a fuck what his name is all I know is that he possesses the face of the devil who brought me hell.

Maura is laying on my shoulder with a bruised up face. This monster got sick of us trying to escape and so he snapped and had her beaten and I had the pleasure of having him beat me again, just as I remembered a year ago.

It has been too long, the beatings are not daily, but when the come I am left paralyzed with pain afterwards.

I shook Maura waking her up.
"Where the hell is your brother- I need him now."

"Adora... I have no idea where they are and why it's taking so long- my best guess is because we are too far from any signal towers we are in a remote location so the tracker hasn't been traceable."

"Mmmmm" I hum in response. I don't know how much longer I can take his shit, he gave me a black eye when I wouldn't sign the marriage contract, he showed me it was swollen shut but is a bit better now. He said "we have all ours lives baby" and decked my left eye.

Maura and I tried to run again resulting in our capture because of our recklessness. He broke my leg and got his men to beat her as well.

Now we have been deprived of food. It's been 2 days, this gives me flashbacks of when he did this to me a year ago. He locked us in the room and left us, the guards switching shifts has been my focus at the moment.

They leave them there is a moment of silence for about 5 minutes where they all leave. I'm done being reckless and loosing my patience we need to put our heads together and get out of here.

I refuse to get caught again, or wait for Arsenio. Almost every night Sin comes in the room and try's to force me into the next room with him, every night I thrash and Maura tries to kill him every night.

I am not sure how much we can continue to endure. We are just trying to fucking survive at this point.

I don't know how many more times we can fight him off, I'm getting sick of it. We've even lost a few pounds, Maura is slowly giving up, but I can't let that happen.

We have to leave we just have too, and I have yet to hear shit about my so called resurrected family. Do they not know I've been captured? Did they just say well fuck her she's old enough we don't need to check on her.

The more I think the angrier I get. These assholes really left me clueless and heartbroken, and NOW I'm alone I made my own family with an assassin and his mafia and I intend on getting the hell out of here.

Marrying that stupid assassin and joining ours mafias to kick the shit out of the Russians. Of course if I don't get r*ped or worse lose my life because my family left me to the wolves.

They basically put me on a damn silver platter for the Russians or any enemies they have and left me.

I love them and I'm happy they are all fine and not dead, but they don't seem to be worried about me or keeping tabs on ME at all, and it hurts like hell.

The door swung open suddenly and Sin walked in "hello darling, have you finally changed your mind and are you ready to be with me?" He didn't let me respond when I felt him unlocking the cuff around my ankle. "Never mind your answer I'll answer for you, hmm?"

"Up now, come on." He jerks me forward and up on my broken leg I wince in pain my other knee buckling and I fall to the ground. "Ahhh, shit stop-" I scream out in pain Maura jerking forward but being restricted because of the cuff.

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