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Adora's POV

I have a head ache it's faint, but there. Having everything tumble down on me from the events of last night I jerk up and opened my eyes to or I guess attempted to anyway.

The harsh bright light flashed in my face

"Did I die and go to heaven?"

I whisper out loud...

Only to hear a chuckle

My eyes quickly shot open to reveal a man in a black suit,

with jet back hair standing at about 6'4 I could be mistaken tho.

"Hell?" I thought out again

He snickered a bit

While I continued to roam his body with my eyes. I could see the indents from his muscles straining on his suit

Then without thinking I looked at him directly locking eyes with this devilishly handsome man.

He had nice facial hair and his eyes shined black and green?

He had two eye colors.

I felt my eyes widen a bit in surprise

Not just because of his eyes but because of the fact that he was staring at me as well with a light smirk.

Sitting up from the softest bed I have ever had the pleasure of laying on I scan my eyes around the room.

The room is made up of a lot of blacks and shades of grey and white.

The bed is big covered in a black velvety comforter that I appreciate  A lot.

My mind finally clicking out of my moment of curiosity It kicks into over drive

"Where am I?"

"Who are you?"

"Why am I hear? Am I dead? Wait!"

"Where is my family I need to see them"

The man is staring at me as still as a statue.

Suddenly he blinks and sits down in a black leather chair against the wall in front of the bed.

He then motions me with his finger to walk to him. I then see his tattoos over his hand and some around his neck as well.

Slowly, cautiously crawling out of the huge bed I attempt to walk on wobbly legs when a sharp paint presents itself.

Instinctively my hand shoots up to my left temple and I figure that's where the pain is coming from because of the bump I feel and the pain every time I touch it.

I slowly make it in-front of this guy that I have yet to meet.

When I am finally in-front of him I go to ask another question when his arms shoot out and tug me onto his lap.

Astonished by his actions I stiffly try to get up.

But fail as his muscular arms tighten around my waist.

Not being able to look at his face

I say "I- I- think you are confusing me from someone else"

I then feel him nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck shaking his head.

Can he speak?

What the fuck is going on here?!
Does he assume I am someone else?

Not protesting against his hold because I'm rather comfortable I relax a bit into his muscular embrace.

Suddenly I hear a smooth silky voice utter a single sentence that made my heart stop.

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