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Adora's POV

"Bambi I need you to marry me."

'What?! Is he serious?'

"You're kidding... right?"

"No baby, I'm not. The Russians want you to marry Sin Velcouve so you can not only make an alliance with the Russian mafia, but so he can completely take over the American mafia and overthrow the Italian majority."

I was shocked there is no way in hell I'm getting married over an alliance and now that I'm aware of my position I'm kind of overwhelmed, this is a lot the take in.

Finding out your whole life has been one big misleading mess. My uncle Johnny was my favorite and only uncle, I remember when he'd take me for ice cream and stuff.

I don't know where he went tho because he never attended the funeral and never reached out. I was too busy grieving to even realize or care for his absence.

Now, finding out from senio that he is currently running the American mafia that I am the soul heir too. I see he has probably had his hands full. I look at senio's mouth agape I come out of my trance.

"I- I want to see him- it, the whole mafia, I want to see it."
Senio shook his head in agreement. "As you wish, but Bambi the marriage thing has to happen soon so the Russians will back off." I nodded hesitantly "okay, just let me think about it... please" I say in a low soft tone. He nods in understanding, he then gets up from his laying position and pulls me up with him.

"Where are we going?" "To the American mafias main estate, baby." "Isn't that what you wanted?" He puts his hand under my chin leaning down he asks again "don't you want to meet them?" I nod while he leads us to the closet.

"Put something warm on Bambi, it's chilly." I nod and grab one of Senio's grey sweatshirts slipping it on and grabbed some of his sweatpants as well. "Isn't it late?" I ask in curiosity, it is 2am "the mafia doesn't sleep, Adora." He says playfully pulling me out of the room while he's wearing a black hoodie and grey sweats. We step outside and head for a black Range Rover. "No sports car, hmm?"

"No, not now, this car is bullet proof incase a misunderstanding occurs baby, and your uncle will recognize it." I nod and sit back while he buckles my seat belt much to my displeasure. He then closes the door and jogs to the drivers seat. Pulling the door open, hopping in and starting the car he pulls off heading for the gates. "capo, uscire per affari?"

Arsenio looks straight ahead not looking at the man he answers "non sono affari tuoi ora apri il cancello." He says in a flat tone void of any emotion. The guard nods stiffly and opens the gates. Arsenio rolls his windows up and continues his drive.

"Why were you so rude, he was only being polite." Senio looks at me for a second before turning his gaze back on the rode. "They work for me. We are not friends, they shouldn't ask, they know not too. I don't know why he tried that." I giggle at his response the look on his face is priceless.

He looks confused but pouty, like when you take a baby's toy away. "I don't know what you find so funny." He moves his hand to squeeze my thigh. I stop my laughing and look at him. "You just look cute when you're confused." He smirks at me and trails his hand up and down my thigh causing me to stiffen. He playfully runs his hand over my clothed core.

I stifle a moan, I don't know how much time passed that he was teasing me for so long until I got sick of it. I went to grab his hand and push it against me when I felt the car stop and turn off he looks over at me with a smirk and a glint of mischief in his miss matched eyes.

"We're here... Bambi" I look up to come face to face with a home that resembles my only house but 3 times the size. "They don't have a gate like you?"

"They do, we already passed it... I guess you were to caught up in things to notice." He says while chuckling, he opens his door and goes to mine opening it i unbuckle my belt and get out. I'm the driveway I see a familiar royal blue corvette. 

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