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*18+ mature themes ahead please skip if uncomfortable*

Adora's POV

I don't know what woke me up first, maybe it was the soft chirping of the birds outside the window.
Or the soft light of the sun peeking in through the curtains, but it could have also been the mouth that was wrapped around my cl*t sucking wildly while 2 fingers were pumping me repeatedly with no signs of stopping.

I let out moan after choked up moan, fisting the sheets while biting my lip trying to contain my screaming of pleasure.

Suddenly Arsenio's tongue joined his fingers and his free hand tightened on my tights stopping my squirming movements.

"S- shit-" I swear under my breath not knowing such pleasure in the morning.

"Language sweetheart..." he talked and I felt the sweet vibration of his husky voice on my core that felt fucking amazing.

He sped up his pace when I tightened my walls around his fingers feeling the tightness in my lower body. Suddenly going an impossibly slow rhythm that had me crying out in frustration, the high I was so near to getting died down slowly with his movements.

"Beg." I hear and feel his words.

'Asshole' I think while I fist his hair and pull him impossibly closer.

Slowing to an almost torturing stop, he repeats his statement.

"Beg, me Bambi." I feel him tug lightly on my clit and suck roughly, causing me to moan out his name.

"Senio, Senio please-" my hold in his hair tightens and I hear a groan coming from the back of his throat in satisfaction.

"Please what?"

'This fuckn guy- and his damn ego, I'm gonna get him back for this shit-'

Nevertheless I do as asked and beg.

"Please- let me cum Arsenio" I let out an embarrassingly loud moan then his fingers crook inside me and begin to jab at my sweet spot.

"Ahh-" I fist the sheets in one hand while I keep a strong grip  on his dark hair.

Clenching my walls around this fingers I let go of my release and cum all over his face and fingers.

"That's right Bambi let go."

"My good girl taking my fingers and mouth so well, yes?" I nod softly while he gives my clit a final kiss and peppers kisses all up my tummy getting to my breasts and kissing each one.

My eyes finally open and are greeted by Arsenios deep green and black eyes. A smug smirk on his face while licking my remaining juices from his lips and chin.

"You like that, Bambi?" He says while smirking at me.

'Cocky bastardo'

"Mhm" I don't even have the strength to speak- that's how great it was.

"Kiss me." It sounded like a question but I knew well enough that it was a demand, but I can't-

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