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Adora's POV

We were all In the living room talking and I was surprised to find out that Arsenio had siblings, twins. Amaura and Luca they are 18 and Luca is somewhat just like Arsenio although he has a playful flirty side while Arsenio is serious and stoic.

Arsenio went to his legal business office downtown with Marcello and his mama to check the numbers on his restaurants, and hotels in Italy.

""Bambi" vieni ad aiutarmi un secondo, si?!"
(Bambi come help me out a sec,yeah?)

I hear Val in the kitchen scream for my help. While getting up Amaura gets up as well following me to the kitchen. "Che cibo strano stai facendo, tesoro prossimo?" (What weird food are you making next darling?)

"Ehi! Sono incinta, let me do me." she rolls her eyes while taking a spoonful of crushed ice and eating it. She's eaten and mixed so many different things yesterday she bit into an onion and almost finished the whole thing.

"I like you, you speak your mind and hai mio fratello avvolto intorno al tuo mignolo"
(you have my brother wrapped around your little finger)

I smile at her words and can feel my face start to heat up. "Shut up that's not true"

"It really is Adora, Luca and I noticed as soon as you walked into the room."

Chuckling she says "the man is obsessed, I've never seen him this enamored especially not by a woman, and as sexy as you are I'm not surprised."
Coming closer she gives me a hug "the dumb ass has good taste."

I chuckles and we pull away we all sit in the kitchen taking them suddenly Amaura gasps "YOU GIRLS KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO TONIGHT ON THIS WONDERFUL FRIDAY NIGHT!!?" I hush her not wanting the others to hear her.

"shhh tesoro abbassa la voce" (shh darling lower your voice)

"Oh, right well... I was thinking why don't we all go clubbing!! Have a girls bonding night!"
I like the sound of that- I really like the sound of that. Considering the fact that I have never been to a club and surprised Amaura has, with her age and all but I'm sure the laws in Italy aren't like the ones here.

"Only problem- I'm 19 you my dear, 18 and well, Val is very pregnant ready to POP... so under the circumstances baby I think we are going to do a rain check." We hear a chuckling from behind us turning around to see a very entertained Luca at the entry of the kitchen he gives me a smile.

"Well you my, cognata molto sexy, l'età non è un problema che un documento d'identità falso non può risolvere"
(very sexy sister in law the age is no problem a fake ID can't fix)

"I am happen to know my way around making them, and I do a damn good job at it too and because you're family now and I am coming with it's on the house, hmm how does that sound?" I all but grin and pull the kid into my arms for a hug.

I have never been to a club and to say I am exited is an understatement. Suddenly I feel Luca try and pull away.

"As much as I'm enjoying this let go before my brother sees I am not trying to die woman!" I laugh and let go moving back to my seat. I look over at Val looking at us with so much joy.

"Too bad I can't drink, but I can shake this nice ass the baby gave me, so I am so ready!"

"Ready for what La mia bellissima moglie" (my beautiful wife)

Luciano walks in the room going straight for Val pecking her lips and standing behind her chair. "Mmmm, we'll if you must know we are going to a club tonight." She says in a tone full of authority.

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