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*2years later*

Adora's POV

"BLOOD FÛCK SHIT FUCK ARSENIO I SWEAR TO GOD! YOU ARE NEVER TOUCHING ME AGAIN AFTER SANTI THIS IS IT!" I pull him down by his collar while squeezing the life out of her hand.

"Baby, but- you know you can't resist me" he coos at me while Dr. Selvai is under the white sheet looking at me vag*na.

"I will castrate you Arsenio Vera!"

"Ahhhh get him out!"

"Okay Adora count to 3 for me and push, he is almost here."

'After Delilah and Diminico I thought I wouldn't want anymore, but then Amaura got pregnant and I wanted another, and we had Enzo and she was an angle, now- 9 months ago Arsenio decided himself that he wanted one last baby, next thing I know I'm pregnant with another boy.'

Yes. Santiago was not planned, well not by me at least. It was a very big surprise for me when I found out I was late on my period as we took a test.

I wasn't mad, another little sweetheart to love, but I refused to let Arsenio touch me for at least a week, but admittedly I myself couldn't keep away from his sinful body.

"FUCK- why, why can't a have an epidural?!" The doctor shook her head, we changed doctors last year before we had Enzo because Senio found out that our old doctor was obsessed with me and plotting to kidnap me-

I don't know if I believe it, but no one not even his mother fought him on executing the doctor.

"Because honey, it contains an ingredient that you are allergic too, don't you remember we almost lost you when Del and Dom were born?"

I nod "but you guys saved me that time, I'll take it again please!!"

"No, sweetheart it was surprising you got out of that one without any damage or dying on the table that day. we cannot risk it again." The doctor says while I feel her spreading my legs a little wider.


"THATS what she said on our wedding night-" I hit Senio on the back of the head.

"Shut your mouth Arsenio!"

"okay, I see the head caro I'm gonna need you to give me one long push after I count to 3"



"Ahhh" I pushed like my life depended on it, more so my little boys life depended on it.

Once I stopped to take a breath I heard high pitched cry. My baby, "Santi-"

Senio had him in his arms, my little boy.

"Oh GUY I HAVE ANOTHER ONE!" The doctor declared and I felt another strong pain coming.

"WHAT!?" I asked and Senio looked confused.

"Honey push, keep pushing there is another one coming"

'What. The. Fuck.'


"I am never getting pregnant again!"

With one last hard push I hear yet another baby crying

"This one is a girl!" The doctor exclaimed and I start to sob myself feeling extremely tired.

"Look Bambi, look at our babys, you made these, you carried them and made them healthy and strong my beautiful wife"

I smiled lazily feeling so sore and tried.

"Let me hold them, please"

He get Santi down on my left chest and Sophie down on my right

"My little Santi and Sophie"

"I like that" Arsenio said while kissing my forehead and cheek.


*3 weeks later*

I don't know what woke me up, maybe it was the kissed on my neck or the 3 warm body's that were laying all around me, or it could have been the two babies fussing right beside the bed.

"Good morning my sweet Bambi" I felt a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning Senio"

"MOANING MOMMY!" I hear three little precious voices.

'I wish I was moaning'

"Hello you little sweethearts" I sit up and kiss my Del, Dom, and Enzo.

"How did you three end up here, hmm?"

"Well..." Del started but Dominico cut in.

"Deli was snoring too loud and I got woke up, so I came to your room to sleep with you and daddy" Dom said with a sweet smile showing off his little pearly white teeth.

"And- and when I woke up! I saw domi going out the door, so I followed him and here I am!" Enzo giggled when arsenio picked him up pulling him into his lap with Delilah curling up into his side.

"I woke up and they were all gone mommy! They gone an left me alone! So I went to your room and saw they were here and went sleep with you" I smiled kissing her cheek.

"You're my smart little baby girl Hmm"

"Yes, mommy!"

"How about I feed your baby brother and sister then we'll make you guys waffles with BACON!"

"YES MÀMA!!" They all yelled frightening Sophie and Santi.

"Oops sorry mommy!" They all ran out of the room one right after the other.

"Oh, I love them Arsenio!"

I got on his lap and hugged him kissing all over his neck.

"I love you, I love you, I fricken love you!"

"I love you Bambi, so much, and our piccoli" (little ones)

"I'm in heaven, I died and went to heaven, didn't I?" I kissed him deeply wrapping my arms around his neck, I plunged my hands into his hair tugging at it. He groaned into my mouth and I delved my tongue into his mouth.

"Baby-" he groaned out "the kids-"

"They can wait..." I was going to continue kissing him until the twins began to cry with hunger, or maybe a dirty diaper.

"Okay, we'll continue later come on help me."

We both got up to change the babies and feed them.


And that's where their story comes to a end, they went through hell for each other and
In the end they never gave up, now their happy and have 5 little gremlins.

He was suppost to end her life, but instead he brought her back from the dead and made her feel the most alive she had ever felt.

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my book! <3

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