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Adora's POV

I wake up in a dimly lit room, it's freezing cold and the only thing that I can see are dim red lanterns that are hung above me.

They barely illuminate 4 feet of my line of view. It's frustrating because the red tint isn't allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness or the light. I'm basically blind to my surroundings even though my eyes are wide open.

The lanterns have letters written on them, but I can't make out the words because they look to be in a different language. My best guess being Russian.

I tried getting up only to realize I'm sitting on a leather couch of some kind and my hands and ankles are being restrained by very thick steel cuffs.

I attempted to move my feet and realized my feet were on solid ground, more specifically a shaggy carpet.

I want to fucking see! This is so damn frustrating for me- where the hell am I? Where is Arsenio? How the fuck did this happen?

Why the hell am I here!?

Just as I was giving up suddenly everything hit me at once-


Arsenio passionately kissed me while I squirmed under him in pleasure. "Bambi, I want to make you mine, but when I do you can never be with anyone else. You will be mine, and mine only" he held my chin in a firm yet soft grasp.

His eyes locking with mine, they were peering into my soul I couldn't take it. This man drives me insane with want.

"Yes? Do you understand, Bambi?"

"What if I don't want to be yours Don?" I said in a silky smooth tone I knew would get to him.

But before he can give me a response we heard a loud crash in the room across from ours.

"What the hell was that?" I say in surprise. He kissed me once more harshly promising the conversation wasn't over, before rolling off me and going to the door. "Stay here. Listen to me Bambi, I don't know what is going on. Do not move."

I look at him and nod, "okay." he shut the door and walked out.

I immediately got up from the bed and pulled a robe on.
'The room across from ours is amaura's room, I have too know if she's alright.'

I walked out of the room seeing that her room door was wide open and split in half. I walked inside looking around the dark room. I tried to turn the light switch on and it didn't work.

"Senio? Amaura?" I continued into the room, suddenly a leather gloved hand went over my face stopping me from screaming. They grabbed me around my waist a hauled me to the nearest window. "у меня есть она, Sergio!" (I've got her)

In that moment in dawned on me. 'RUSSIANS'

I started to kick, scream, even bite at the gloved hand and his body. He began to lift me over his shoulder walking to the balcony doors while I thrashed and screamed.

He got us to the balcony and looked down preparing himself to jump? JUMP?! HES GOING TO JUMP?! He shut me up with a thick accent "If you scream I will kill the bitch thats down there" I look down, I see the man with Amaura laying limply in his arms.

Suddenly the man got a good grip on me and without a warning we fell over the edge. He took all the impact and made sure I did not hit the ground. What the hell is he made of?! He should be dead or have broken bones! "Amaura fuck, are you okay ?" I asked even though I know she won't respond.

"Hey! What the hell is going on? What the fuck do you guys want?!"

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