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This chapter is a back peddle from where I left off last chapter, I realized that I really really want focus on Adora's mental state and so I'm writing this so you can see what was going on in her mind. The continuation of last chapter will be after this.

Adora POV

I'm at a total loss.

I wake up during the night to make sure Senio is still in the room on the couch, that is clearly too small for him, I feel bad but- but I just can't handle him being in the bed with me.

I'm a fucking monster, I look in the mirror sometimes I just stare at her, wishing I could recognize her and see her for who she is but I've fallen back into this hole too many times

I don't think I can get out this time. The light is slowly dimming and I can't see straight. I look over my shoulder, I forget to eat, I lose interest is speaking.

Luca comes by every day just to talk to me since Senio is busy doing who knows what, I assume he's trying to find Velcouv.

A knock comes at the door and I just sit back on the headboard looking outside the window blankly I hear whoever knocks come inside.

I don't even need to turn my head to know who it is. I feel the bed dip and the sweet smell of pancakes and coffee hit my nose.

"Hey, dolcezza how you feeling today?" (sweets)

I smile out the window turning to him finding him already looking at me with his own smile.

"Good, as good as the day before and the one before that." I look down at the breakfast he's brought me.

"For me?" I whisper.

"Mhmm, proprio come il giorno prima e quello prima..." he said a with sarcasm and playfulness clean in his words.
(just like the day before and the one before that)

"Eat dolcezza"

I eat and we talk a little bit about whatever all morning till he has to go do whatever he does for Arsenio.

As soon as he leaves the feeling I get every day comes back, the empty fear I can never seem to pinpoint, the source or the root of how to get rid of it.

Until a beautiful baby busts in through my door. Her mother carrying her inside.

"ehi zia adora siamo venuti per la nostra visita" (hey aunt adora we have come for our visit)

"Hand me the baby, and you can go!" I playfully say to her.

"I- ouch-"
"I'm kidding darling, I could never." I do kissy faces at her and Aurora.

"come sta la mia nipotina preferita?" I kiss her nose and Aurora giggles and sticks her little tongue out.

I kiss her cheek and Val and I talk.

"Have you seen Senio?"

"Mmm darling you didn't hear this from me, but he caught Velcouv and has him hanging by a thread for his life."

I pause-

He- he found him, and didn't tell me?

Oh my god.

"He- what?"

"Making him go through hell at the west warehouse, yeah."

I nod my head and feel some what relieved. He's got him, I'm safe, right?

"Well, I think I'm going to go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow? Yeah?" Val looks at me suspiciously but doesn't say a thing.

"You sure, Adora ? I can stay for a little while longer Luciano is with Arsenio now, I have nothing going on-"

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