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Arsenio's POV

Luciano and I got into his all black Range Rover and drove 20 minutes east to our warehouse/club. When we first came from Italy when I was 19 and he was 23 before I handed my fathers throne over to him because I couldn't handle people comparing us.

People in Italy especially my fathers family were ashamed and livid that I would simply "give away" the empire my father dedicated his whole life to building, growing, and making it stronger. I didn't care those people I never got to meet were worthless to me as were their words. My father did a fan-fucking-tastic job of keeping my mother and I hidden from the public. He hit, tortured ,and trained me for years until he pushed me too far and I snapped.

Anyway, when we first arrived in Chicago people knew I was here. The advantage I had tho and still hold is the fact that people don't know my appearance. What I look like, the sound of my voice, to these people I am simply a legend, a rumor I suppose. I never let anyone live, the day you meet me is the day you die. Of course until Bambi fucked up my track record.

When we first arrived we decided to buy a club, a legal business to hide to illegal. With the clubs running smoothly we then opened hotels and made more money and it was another way to hide the drugs, import, export, clean money.

We are on our way now to the original first club we ever opened it's called "veleno" (venom)

It is the club where my men and their whores reside. This is the place they go to drown themselves in alcohol or pussy. There are some "civilians" that go there as well, it is a normal club after all or at least has to give the appearance of one off.

We park out front and immediately the guard outside lets us in and the 20 people outside waiting to get in look pissed. But I don't give a fuck, it's my club they can go to any other dumb ass club that I guarantee isn't as good as mine. That's why they wait.

Waking in I immediately walk to the back underground section where most of my men are if not at my home or on an assignment of some kind. I go in and as soon as I step foot inside the whole room goes quite. I hate when they go quite, it's infuriating on a count of the fact that they were most likely talking with their big mouths about shit they aren't supposed to be.

I continue walking Lucy right behind me, every man bowing their heads in respect for us. I love respect, fear for than anything. I love to see the fear in their eyes, the fact that they are terrified of giving me eye contact because they don't want to become my example or next target. They know how I do shit, but once in a while they seem to think because I'm not around like Luciano it seems to be a free for all and they can run their mouths and sell information.

But that is simply not the case here. When you are sworn into our mafia you are signing your life away, you do what I say no questions asked your loyalty is tested. If you fuck up the warning was the day you signed omertà and got the damn tattoo.

ma sembra che questi imbecilli abbiano dimenticato chi cazzo sono e quanto non siano importanti per me.
(but it seems like these imbeciles forgot who the fuck i am and how un important they are to me.)

Standing in the middle of the room I made sure to tell Lucy to lock the door so no one gets out and tried to run away from their shame and betrayal.

"So, you guys know we are a famiglia correct?"

Immediately everyone responds with a "yes don" or something with respect.

"You all got the insignia of omertà somewhere on your body's, you also signed the paper... correct?"

"Si, Don!"

"So, Può spiegarmi perché credi di poter fare la tua bocca da idiota ai russiani?"
(can you explain to me why the hell one of you thinks you can run your dumb ass mouth to the russians for a quick buck?)

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