Stick ? His name is Stick ?

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" Where is he ? " ; I asked myself as I paced around the apartment .

I heard someone crawling in through the roof.  I turned to look , it was not Matt. 

" Who are you ? " ; I asked , high on alert.
" None of your business young lady " ; he said .

" It is my business because you are in my house " ; I said .

" Matt Murdock doesn't live here ? " ; the man asked .

" I do . Why are you here Stick ? " ; Matt spoke up from behind me .
When did he get here ?

" Wow . Is this where you have been living.  Surrounding yourself with luxury and  silk sheets . Not even cotton " ; the man said .

" Cotton feels like sandpaper on my skin " ; Matt replied .

Huh ? That's why he always complained whenever I wore my cotton pajama set to bed .

" You might as well be sleeping on sandpaper by this point " ; the man said .

" The war is coming Matty and you are here sitting in your luxurious apartment doing God knows what " ; the man added .

" No Stick . No.  Your just jealous that I made something out of my life without your help " ; Matt spat at him .

I had never seen him talk like this to anyone .

" No Matty . I am proud of you . You were just never ready for the war " ; Stick said

" I wanted for a war to happen . I am here trying to prevent everything " ; Matt said angrily .

" You sure or are you too busy doing it with her ? " ; Stick asked .

Matt lunged at him and they started fighting.

" Hey ! Hey hey hey ! Stop it right now " ; I intervened between them .

Matt tried to get to him but I pushed him back .

" You try to get past me and I walk out " ; I threatened .

He visibly calmed down .

" Now . Behave like responsible adults and talk it out " ; I said sternly.

He pushed me behind him .

" What do you want ? " ; Matt asked .

" Your help " ; Stick replied.

" Huh ? After twenty years " ; Matt scoffed .

I lightly punched his back .

" Fine ! What do you need me to do ? " ; Matt gave in .

" They brought in a weapon. The Hand , an evil organisation . They have Black Sky , a dangerous weapon  can kill the entire New York.  I need your help stopping them " ; Stick said.

" Okay " ; Matt agreed .

" They are bringing in the weapon tomorrow night . Meet me at the pier at 1pm tomorrow " ; Stick said before taking off .

Once he was gone , Matt turned to me .

" His name is Stick ? WHY ???? " ; I asked .

" Its just his name sweetheart " ; Matt said taking off his mask .

" Are you hurt ? " ; I asked.

" On my lips . Will you kiss it better ? " ; he asked in an adorable voice .

I kissed him . For a long time.  I could feel his anger in the kiss .

" Bed ? " ; he asked .

I nodded .


Once Matt was asleep , I sneaked out of his arms and held a cloth dipped lightly in chloroform in front of his face  . After making sure , he was in a deep sleep , I kissed his forehead.

" I am sorry " ; I whispered.

I took out my black hooded coat out of the cupboard and my weapon from my secret box under the bed .

I jumped out of the balcony and walked towards my office .

On reaching I saw two men in the lobby , I quickly shot them with my gun .

I took the elevator to my office floor .

They were five guards in the hallway . As soon as they noticed me , they took out their guns but I was way faster . I activated the lasers in the hallway . All of them got sliced into pieces except one who managed to escape .... Well he met my arrow .

I walked into my office to see it empty and my windows broken .

On walking over to my desk I noticed that someone had hacked into the database and looked through all of my files .

There was a note on my desk .

Don't try too hard darling . You will loose .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now