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That same night I was in a building waiting for someone to come and attack us , cause Henry had informed me that Roxxon Corporations had got a whiff off my plans and were sending people to kill me and Elektra .

" Nice coat " ; she complimented .

" Hmmm " ; I hummed .

" Are you angry at me ? " ; she asked.

" No " ; I said sharpening my knives .

" Angry at Matthew ? " ; she asked again .

" Kind of " ; I said .

" You better get ready then cause I texted him to come here . The more the merrier " ; she said drinking out of her glass .

" Yeah . This is probably the end . He will break up with me , forget me and there will be no Adelaide Murdock anymore. Been thinking of that name for 8 months but now it just won't happen anymore " ; I said looking down .

" What do you want Elektra ? " ; Matt asked coming into the building .

" Fight with us . They are sending people over hear to kill us " ; Elektra replied .

" Who ? " ; Matt asked .

" My guess , the Yakuza " ; I said .

" No no. Wait.  I finished the Yakuza " ; Matt argued .

" Nope.  You thought you did " ; Elektra said throwing me her gloves as she went and put on her suit .

" Wait.  You both dragged me into this ? " ; Matt asked .

" Oh come on Matthew . Do I really need to push you again ? " ; Elektra asked as she opened a bag and took out the Daredevil suit .

" Put it on . They are after all of us " ; Elektra said .

" There are people in the lobby . Also they have a silencer " ; Matt said .

Elektra and I put on our masks .

" Attack them from behind .I will say hello to them " ; I said getting my knife ready .

" Do not kill " ; Matt warned me .

" She does what she wants Matt , she is punk rock " ; Elektra smirked .

" Not the time " ; I said standing in front of the door .

The door opened and there stood six assassins.

" Hello boys " ; I smirked and attacked them .

I plunged my knife into the man close to me and kicked the other with my leg .

I threw out the man from the balcony , then tackled the other one .

This one was stronger and fought well . I got in a couple of punched before I was able to shoot him in the leg .

" Tell Mr. Hirochi hello in hell " ; I said and threw him off the balcony too .

" Why do they always send so less people . It's humiliating " ; I said.


All others of us were in a diner the next morning , elektra and I having breakfast while Matt just stared at us .

" How can you two eat after killing someone ? " ; he asked .

" Simple.  You convince yourself that you defended oneself . That easy " ; I said biting into my burger .

" We just fought the Yakuza " ; Matt stated .

" And we won " ; Elektra said .

" Why were they after both of you ? " ; Matt asked .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now