So many events in one day

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I stayed over at Elektra's last night .  The next morning she visited me at the office .

" There is a professor in NYC.  He can help us . He translated the book " ; Elektra said .

" Does Jessica know Japanese ?  " ; I asked .

Elektra shrugged .

" I will send a car over and bring her in " ;I said picking up my phone and calling Henry , asking him to send a car at Jessica's .

Jessica was here half an hour later .

" I don't know Japanese that good " ; she groaned .

" Anything will do " ; I said pushing the book towards her .

She took it and studied it for a minute .

" Its in some kind of a code . Something about shipping " ; Jessica said handing back the diary .

My phone rang . It was Foggy .

" Hey Foggy " ; I said .

" You need to come down to the hospital . We are trying to speak to a victim but he wants you to come " ; he said .

" Okay yeah . Who is it ? " ; I asked .

" Frank Castle " ; he replied .

" Ok . See you in five " ; I said hanging up .

" What ? " ; Elektra asked .

" Frank is in the hospital .Daredevil sold him out " ; I said .

" You guys , try to find that professor's name and the coat . I will be back in an hour or so " ; I said .


" Where is he ? " ; I asked .

" This room " ; Foggy said opening the door for me .

Matt was trying to talk to Frank .

" Frank " ; I said stepping into the room .

" I want you to take my case " ; Frank said pointing at me .

" No.  I can't .  Nelson and Murdock will take your case and I will represent both of you " ; I said .

" What ? " ; they both asked .

" The DA's office wont let you take this high profile case . Your firm needs to be a partner or represented by another firm . I am the only one who is willing to do that " ; I said .

" Why ? " ; Frank asked .

" Because you are a criminal ! To the media , to this city . You have killed people Frank.  Innocent people " ; I said .

" They were not innocent " ; he shouted .

" To you . But for the media , they were " ; I said .

" Then why is it different from what you do ? " ; he asked .

" The difference is that I have never been caught " ; I said .

" Well , if Mr. Daredevil hadn't sold me out , I wouldn't have been caught " ; he yelled .

" What's done is done . We will get you out of here . Reyes is a wounded animal but she hasn't met me . I will handle her " ; I said.

" How ? " ; Matt asked.

I  glared at him .

" I said I will handle it " ; I spoke .

" What are you doing here ? " ; Reyes asked barging in through the door .

" Talking to my client " ; Matt said .

" He is not your client " ; Reyes said angrily .

" Why not ? If the victim doesn't want the public defender  then they are eligible to contact the defender of their choice . Unless you don't want that which would imply that your hiding something " ; Matt said .

" Fine.  Take the case " ; Reyes snapped and walked out of the door .

" A word in private please Mr. Murdock " ; I said .

He followed me into a storage closet . I locked the door behind me .

" What did you do ? Did you really have to sell him out like that.  You just ruined everything for me " ; I said pushing him against the door roughly .

He grabbed my wrists tightly .

" Why are you here ? " ; he asked .

" Foggy called . Frank wanted to see me " ; I answered. 

" I had almost convinced him to be my client " ; Matt said.

" He is ! I need to here or you can say goodbye to your career " ; I said angrily .

" You will not mess this up for me " ; Matt said in the same tone as me .

" You messed it up for me . Frank was helping me track down The Hand and he killed some people but you just had to go and get him arrested . The Hand killed his family Matt " ; I said trying to get out of his grip .

" You are using him . His anger , his thirst for revenge . You don't care what happens after that , you just need your work done . Like you used me " ; he said .

" I never used you.  I loved you.  I am not using Frank either " ; I said looking at him in disbelief .

" Yeah , right " ;  he scoffed letting go of my wrists .

" We are over.  Get your things out of my house and get out. The only thing between us right now is this project and the work at night " ; he said and walked out .

I stood there for a moment before walking out of the hospital and going back to the office .


" I packed your things for you " ; Matt said as he handed me all of my things .

" You were serious " ; I mumbled looking down .

I felt tears in my eyes.

" Don't do this to me.  Pls Matty , don't do this to me " ; I begged .

" It's Matt " ; he said .

He turned away from me .

I went in front of him  .

" Tell me you don't love me . Tell me that and I promise I will walk out " ; I cried.

It sounded pathetic but I didn't care .

He was silent for a few moments then he spoke up .

" I don't.  I don't love you . Not anymore . I hate you . So much . I wish I never met. I wish I never fell in love with you.  Your selfish , your fake your just a murderer and I hate you ! Get out of here and never come back " ; he yelled at me .

I took my things and went out of the apartment sobbing.

My car was waiting outside .

I got in.

" Any five star hotel will do " ; I said to my driver .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now