Rabbit in a Snowstorm

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The case was over and they had recruited Karen to work for Nelson and Murdock.
In that short amount of time , we had become really great friends .

" I am so sorry Matty. I couldn't make you anything today . Promise me that you will eat something . Yeah ? I don't need you passing out on me " ; I said .

" You worry too much " ; he said laughing .

" I do because you come home everyday with a fresh set of cuts and bruises " ; I said putting on my boots .

" Cross my heart " ; he said .

" Okay.  Bye . See you tonight " ; I said hurrying out of the apartment .

Matt's POV :

I let out a sigh as soon as she was out of the apartment . I couldn't risk letting her know who I was or what I did at night .

I was the one who saved her that night . I follow her home at night everyday to make sure she is fine . I couldn't do it one day and she almost got kidnapped .

The other thing which I was not careful about were the cuts and bruises . Last night , I had attempted to rescue a boy from the Russians but it was a trap . I did get the boy safely home but that was on my second try. First time I had fought with them , I ended up almost dead in a dumpster.  Claire , Addy's friend from work pulled me out of the dumpster and patched me up .

Adelaide knows nothing and I plan to keep it that way .


I arrived at work but didn't go into the office yet . I could hear Karen gush about the man in the black mask .

" You didn't see him Foggy. The way he kicked the attackers' ass in the rain " ; she said .

I smirked .

" Hi guys " ; I said , finally entering the office .

" Hi Matt " ; Karen greeted me .

" Hey buddy " ; Foggy said to me .

" Can I come in too ? " ; I heard Adelaide speaking from the doorway .

" Sure . Come on in " ; I hear Karen say .

" Why are you here ? " ; I asked .

" Well , one of my patients was moved to the psychiatric ward , one of them is in surgery for attempted suicide and the other one didn't wanna meet with me today. So , I cancelled all my other appointments and clocked in early . Before you ask , all my other patients are doing well and one missed session won't hurt anyone " ; she explained .

" Well then . Welcome to Nelson and Murdock for the day " ; Foggy said .

Adelaide giggled .

There was a knock on the door .

" Is that a knock ? " ; Foggy asked .

" On our door ? " ; Karen asked .

I felt Adelaide move away and she opened the door .

" Do you do walk - ins ? " ; a man asked .


" I represent a corporate organisation. My employer wants you to represent one of our employees " ; Mr whatever his name was  said as we sat with him in another room in our office .

" Why us ? Why not approach a larger firm ? Mr ...- " ;I trailed off .

" Confederated  Global investments is my employer " ; he said .

" It's not what I was asking " ; I said .

" That's the only name relevant in this situation Mr . Murdock " ; he said .

" So , why us ? " ; I asked again .

" Uh .. Apparently the other larger firms are not being able to provide hands - on attention that we pride ourselves on at Nelson and Murdock " ; Foggy jumped in .

" Its a fair question . I am here because my employer does extensive business , here in hell's kitchen and who knows it better than two local boys who graduated from Columbia Law . You set up shop right here in your backyard . Despite the fact that both of you were offered really lucrative deals from Landman and Zack where you previously interned " ; he said .

" You have done your homework " ; I said .

" My employer expects no less " ; he said .

" Then forgive me for being blunt " ; I started to say .

" Blunt is a really strong word " ; Foggy tried to clarify.

" No its fine . In my line of work , I find it very refreshing . " ; he said .

" What line of work is it exactly ? " ; I asked .

" What my partner is trying to say that we are still building our practice so we are very particular about our clientele" ; Foggy tried to explain .

" I assure you , all my employer wants is for you to continue to be ethical , decent men , good lawyers . And for that , you will be fairly compensated " ; he said and slid an envelope towards Foggy .

Foggy opened the envelope and chuckled really lightly .

" Uh huh ... That's fair " ; he said .

" Your partner doesn't seem very convinced " ; the man commented.

" Like Foggy said , we are very particular about our clientele " ; I said .

" I am very curious about your ... clientele . Do they all work for you after getting them off murder or just the pretty ones ? " ; he asked.

I could hear Karen's heartbeat getting faster.

" Karen could you give us a minute ? "  ; I asked .

She immediately went out of the room.

" How do you know about that ? Her charges weren't leaked to the press ? " ; I asked .

" I have friends on the force . I here I am not the only one " ; he explained.

" I understand your concerns Mr. Murdock. I wish you would review one of our cases and then give your piece of mind and whatnot " ; he said .

" That would be fantastic " ; Foggy said .

" Excellent . You have 38 minutes to get to Precinct 15 " ; he said .

" What ? Now ? What's the case ? " ; Foggy asked .

Again he slid something across the table.

" You will find all the details in here " ; he said and stood up .

We stood up as well and bid him goodbye .

" He was acting suspicious.  I mean , he wouldn't even give us his name " ; I said .

" Yeah , well you wouldn't care if you saw the number of zeroes on this " ; Foggy said .

" I guess then its good that I can't see . I am gonna go. Meet me there " ; I said taking my walking cane and pulling Addy along with me .

" What do you think ? " ; I asked her as we followed the man.

" He didn't seem tense , didn't stutter , didn't sweat , spoke confidently which usually points out that he is speaking the truth " ; she said .

" I sense a but coming " ; I said .

" He was too confident . Almost like somebody had already scripted him his dialogues and he spoke accordingly " ; Addy said .

I suddenly stopped and turned her around so she was facing me .

I heard the man getting into a car and driving off .

" There is something weird about him " ; I said.

" And we will figure it out " ; she said leading me towards the precinct .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now