Speak of the Devil

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The next morning I saw Matt listening to something on his laptop . Very carefully might I add .

I went closer to him and tried to see what he was doing .

" I want to protect this city , from all its vigilantes and crimes . I want to make my city a better place . My name is Wilson Fisk " ; the voice from the laptop came .

As soon as that was said Matt screamed and threw away  the laptop from the table .

" Hey ! Hey , Matt calm down " ; I said trying to get near him .

" No ! You don't understand . I was so close to bringing Fisk down . Now the whole of New York City will know him as the hero who trying to ' save this city ' but he actually is planning to kill you ! " ; Matt said tugging at his hair .

I managed to get in front of him and gently removed his hands from his hair and held it in my own .

" Then we will bring him down again . Okay ? That is a complete show he is puting on . We just need to prove to everyone that he is the criminal . I promise , I won't get killed " ; I said softly .

" Can you stay home ? Please ? " ; Matt asked , his voice breaking .

" Of course . I will stay here and just be here . I can do my work from here " ; I said trying to comfort him .

He nodded , wiping a few tears from his eyes .

" Don't cry . I will be fine " ; I said hugging him .

He buried his face in the crook of my neck .

" Lime scented soap ? " ; he asked , his voice muffled .

" Yeah " ; I laughed .

" Smells good " ; he said .

" I know " ; I said .

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Matt had to go .

After he left the apartment I sighed and sat on the couch .

To Cheese:
I am stuck in my apartment because Matt doesn't want me going anywhere .

To Addy :
Why ??

To Cheese :
Like I said , Matt almost caught me so I had to improvise . I told him that Fisk wants me dead so now he is more than determined to bring Fisk down .

To Addy :
I saw the announcement he made .

To Cheese :
I have been trying to get in contact with Jessica but she is out of town .

To Addy :
You need help that bad ?

To Cheese :
Yesssss !!!!

To Addy :
I'll see what I can do .

I threw my phone on the other side of the couch and stared at the billboard outside. 

After a while I went to our bedroom and reached under the bed .

My suit was still there , just a bit bloodstained. I took it out and stashed it in my backpack along with a black mask that just covered my mouth and nose .

I had to hide the backpack and spray it with some lime scented perfume . That would clearly throw Matt off the blood scent .

My phone rang and I ran to take the call.

" Hello " ; I said .

" Found someone . " ; Cheese said .

" Who ? " ; I asked .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now