Ninjas Everywhere

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" How deep ? " ; Elektra asked .

I quickly took out my phone sim and switched on my flashlight , then threw it down the hole .

" Hear anything ? " ; Elektra asked Matt.

" Shh " ; he said .

We silently stood .

" There " ; he said .

" Wow.  That hole is 2mins long " ; Elektra said .

Suddenly , we were surrounded by masked ninjas.  Six of them .

They attacked us .

Man , they were strong ! And too damn skilled with knives .

I fought them off me quickly and went over to help both of them .

One of them was creeping towards Matt with the sword .

I acted on adrenaline and pushed Matt out of the way as the sword sliced my suit and cut me .

I fell down , blood pouring out of my body .

" No ! Matthew those swords are poisoned ! " ; Elektra yelled kneeling at my side .

Elektra's POV :

I watched as Addy writhed in pain on the ground .

Matthew came over and picked her up bridal style.

" We need to get her to the hospital " ; he said .

" No ! They won't be able to help her.  This is an ancient poison. She will die in about forty minutes . We have to get her to my house . Come on ! " ; I said hurriedly .

Matt walked fast behind me shushing Addy quietly as she cried out in pain .


" Lay her down on the counter " ; I said as I went to my closet and fished out the stuff I need.

Matt held her down as she screamed .

" Calm down.  Its okay " ; he said softly .

" I don't want to die " ; she cried .

Matt's POV :

I nodded as I ran my fingers through her hair .

Addy continued crying . Her lips were turning blue , blue poison showed up on her cheeks as she struggled to breathe .

" Elektra ! Hurry " ; I yelled to her.

" I am trying Matthew ! " ; she yelled back .

" I -I am sor-sorry " ; Addy panted .

" Don't speak " ; I said shushing her .

" I am sorry " ; she said crying .

" Here . Stay still hon " ; Elektra said coming over with a bowl filled with a very strong smelling white liquid .

" What's that ? " ; I asked .

" Hold her tight.  This is going to burn like hell " ; she said .

I tightened my grip around Addy as Elektra pores the liquid over her stomach and chest .

Addy screamed in pain and tried to get out of my grip .

After a few seconds she stopped moving and fell unconscious .

" Now that was a lot of damage " ; Elektra sighed .

" She's gonna be okay ? " ; I asked .

" She will be fine . This isn't her first time dealing with poisonous stuff " ; Elektra replied .

I didn't question that .

" Her room is this way " ; she said as I carried Addy into her room and laid her down on her bed.

" Poor girl , she won't be able to go to Germany now " ; Elektra sighed.

" She was gonna go away ? " ; I asked .

" Oh no . She was going to bring Natalie here . Nat's life is in danger . The attacks have increased after Addy  stole the tesseract " ; Elektra explained.

I sighed .

" Go home Matthew . You have a trial to prepare for " ; she said .

" Yeah " ; I said getting up and leaving .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now