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" I swear I will never drink again " ; I groaned .

" You say that everytime " ; Matt said handing me a glass of water with a few pills. 

" Karen Karen Karen " ; his phone rang .

He picked it up .

" Woah woah.  Slow down . Who's dead ? " ; Matt asked .

I sat up straighter .

" Yeah yeah.  I will be there " ; he said .

" Who is dead ? " ; I asked grabbing his hand .

" Ben Urich " ; he replied .

" What ? " ; I nearly yelled.  Bad decision .

" Hey , don't yell.  Its gonna hurt " ; he said holding my head for me .

" Hmmm " ; I hummed .

He stared at me . Oh no !

" Hum again " ; he said .

" Why ? " ; I asked .

" Just do it " ; he said .

" Hmmmm " ; I said .

Please don't figure , don't figure out .

" You stay here.  I am gonna go . You need rest " ; he said standing up and kissing my head .

I fell back onto the bed again and pushed my face into the pillows.

This was going to be a long day .


" I know he is dead . Fisk got to him " ; I said to Jessica as she sat on the other end of the couch .

" Yeah.  Matt blames himself " ; she said .

" I just want to kill Fisk but knowing Matt he won't do that.  Its just so frustrating " ; I said annoyed .

There was banging on my apartment door .

" It's Karen . I know your in there Adelaide " ; Karen said .

Jessica stood up and opened the door .

" Explain.  Both of you.  I am going crazy " ; she said .

" Do you need water ? Coffee ? Anything ? " ; I asked guiding her to the other couch .

" Coffee would be great.  I haven't slept for two days " ; she said .

" On it " ; I said .

After I handed her the coffee , I sat down and we started explaining everything to her .

" I am not who  I always told Matt I am . My real name is Heidi Adelaide Wilhem Watson  . My parents are german drug dealers and Mafia Bosses . My mom's Sierra Watson and my dad's Charles  Wilhem . I was trained to be an assassin and be in the drug business. My mom wanted me away from it so my dad established Watson Law in honour of my mom . Watson Law solves high profile cases during the day but at night its a Mafia hideout and headquarters from where my father used to carry out all of his underground drugs and trading activities. " ; I explained .

" Fisk was a partner of the company but he wanted the company all to himself so he sent Henry to take that place. But my best friend Cheese stopped him from taking over and I got the company . I want Fisk out of my way so I worked with Jessica to get rid of everything he owns . Plus , I am still trying to find a ledger which belonged to my father.  Fisk probably has that and I want that too . So I have been following all his associates , Wesley just happened to be a pawn in this game.  All these months I have been acting so that Matt doesn't find out who I am " ; I added .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now