Two Daredevils' fighting in the Church

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Foggy and Karen helped us . They were insistent . They brought in Pointy's girlfriend and she agreed to help cause she wanted my help to file a restraining order.

" Call him " ; Matt's mother said .

I called him using the church phone .

" Who is this ? " ; he picked up .

" Let's play a love game " ; I smiled .

" Coat Killer "

" Wanna play my game ? "

" Sure "

" I have something of yours . Very important to you . Where is your girlfriend ? "

" At home . On her couch "

" I would disagree . I would say that she is dead "

" Your lying "

" Am I ? I can assure you , i am standing here with her blood splattered all over me "

" I am going to kill you ! "

" That is what all the others said . I am at St. Mary's Church. Come get me "

I hung up and backed away .

" Get ready . He is gonna be here " ; I said .

" Blood splattered ? Your clean " ; Matt said .

" Isn't like wine kept here ? Throw it on me " ; I said to him .

He walked away and then brought back a big silver glass holding wine .

" Close your eyes "

Matt threw the wine on me and it made blood like marks on my white coat .

" Pretty ! " ; I squealed .

" Your mad but I still love you " ; he said .

" I know "

We waited for like five minutes before hearing sirens !

He tipped the FBI ! Oh great !

" Where can we hide ? " ; Matt asked his mom as we heard footsteps upstairs .

His mom led us deeper into the dungeon and in front of a marble casket like thing .

Matt opened it and got in . I got in after him . His mother closed the lid .

" This is cozy " ; I said in a whisper after a few minutes.

" You smell lemony " ; he said .

I smiled . " Lemon shampoo ! "

We heard footsteps in the room , getting closer .

After a few minutes of dragging shoe sounds , it went silent .

" Not here anyone anymore " ; Matt said .

I got up a bit and opened the casket . It was empty outside.

His mom came back in and asked us to run as the FBI were bringing in their guard dogs .

We ran upstairs . As soon as we reached the aisle , a chair came hurling at me .

Matt shoved me out of the way and we fell on the other side .

I looked up . Pointdexter was here .

I got my ninja blade from my pocket and threw it at him . The blade hit his arm . He harshly yanked it out and walked towards us .

" Don't come in between " ; Matt said , before both daredevils started fighting with each other .

I watched them as well as tried to search for a weapon , when I remembered something .

I took the fallen chair from the ground and broke one of its legs .

It was difficult to creep behind fake daredevil but i hat to.  Matt was loosing this fight .

I quickly slammed the wooden leg on the back of Pointdexter's head . He fell to the ground . Fainted .

" Do not worry . Did not kill him.  If it wasn't in a church , maybe i would have and now we need to go . FBI is distracted , Fisk is alone with Vanessa . Let's go crash a wedding " ; I said dragging Matt along with me .


" Can I like decorate our wedding venue  ? If we ever have one ? " ; I asked as we stood on the glass rooftop of the hotel , overlooking Fisk dancing with his wife amongst guests and horrible decorations. 

Does he even have a choice ?

" Sure ! " ; Matt replied .

" So you want to get married to me ? " ; i asked .

" Of course ! "

" Why ? I thought you hate me ? "

" I could never hate you . I love you "

" Good to know "

I kneeled down and started stabbing the glass violently . The glass gave away and I fell into the room and landed on my legs like black widow .

" Alright Fisk . Time to die " ; I shouted , taking out my gun .

People screamed and hurried to get away.  Fisk tried to run with his wife and he did . I followed him . But before i could get out of the room , Mr. Fake wannabe daredevil popped out of nowhere and started fighting me .

I fought back . We neared the edge of the balcony . He was fast. Way too fast for me . I couldn't keep up with his hits . I knew what I had to do .

I let him continue hitting me . He kicked me over the edge and before I could fall , I shot him.  The shot killed him and the force of the shot threw me off completely .

" Adelaide ! " ; Matt shouted . That was the last thing I heard over the howling of the wind .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now