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" Why did you leave me in a dumpster ?" ; I asked as I laid with him on my bed.

Matt sighed .

" Well , I was hoping that Claire would find you and she did.  I didn't want you to think that I was alive.  But people saw me sometimes after I was declared a fugitive and I overheard Stark on a call discussing about my search team . I didn't want to be another threat to Natalie . She already is in danger , I just added another reason for her to be killed " ; he said .

" Matt , your not another threat to Nat . She adores you.  She has drawn a picture of you . She idolizes you " ; I said looking at him .

" She accepted me really fast " ; he said .

" She will accept anyone who cooks for her and tells her jokes " ; I said laughing lightly .

" Really ? " ; he asked.

I said yes .

" She is curious though . I got interrogated by her about how I do my hair or dress or cook . She even asked me if I liked cats " ; he chuckled.

I laughed .

" I missed you both " ; he said pulling me closer to him .

" You know , we can go out tomorrow night and catch this imposter " ; I suggested.

" I would like that " ; Matt said .


" Your back " ; Natalie screamed as soon as she burst into my bedroom .

" Yeah " ; Matt said sitting up as she crawled into his lap and hugged him . He hugged her back .

And ruffled her hair .

Soon , all of us got up because Nat won't stop talking about her adventures at Stark Tower .

" Nat , where are we with the cocaine trades ? " ; I asked.

" We got them shipped " ; she said biting into her waffle .

" Hey ! Don't look at me like that.  Your no saint at all either Matt.  We both have already bended a lot of your church rules " ; I said smirking .

Natalie didn't understand what we were talking about as she didn't react but Matt kicked me lightly under the table .

I laughed and ate my own waffle .


" I know you hate school but please Nat just one month and then I will homeschool you " ; I said .

" No ! " ; she said .

" Look , school has been open for two months and you already didn't attend the first month.  You need the attendance " ; I explained.

" No. They hate me there.  I don't wanna go " ; she yelled.

" Okay " ; I said giving up.

" Stay " ; I said .

She ran to the library .

" Hate her ? Who can hater her ? " ; Matt asked .

" Kids nowadays are mean . Their parents don't teach them anything because they are under the impression that their children are the sweetest.  Its quite the opposite " ; I said

" I happen to know a lot about that " ; Matt said .

" Me too . Elektra used to be one of those mean kids.  Really mean " ; I said shaking my head .

" Take your gun today " ; he said .

" I will.  I am going to shoot that ....................... Person ! " ; I said , trying my best not to swear .


" Where is he ? " ; I said loudly as we both stood on top of a building .

" Shhh " ; he shushed me .

" Where is he ? " ; I whispered .

" I'll push you off " ; Matt said .

" In an alley. Doing ... Drugs " ; he said disgusted.

We both ran to the alley and there he was , beating up innocent people .

" Hey assbutt ! " ; I screamed at him .

He turned to look at me.

Matt lunged at him before I could do anything .

They fought as I leaned against the wall and watched .

Fake daredevil was about to stab real daredevil and that is when I decided to take charge .

I took out my gun and shot him .

He dropped to the ground .

Let's see who this is ....

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now