Semper Fidelis

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" I am gonna beat up that blind - man ! " ; Jessica said angrily .

I was at Elektra's penthouse . After finding out about the breakup , Jessica and her dragged me out of the hotel and brought me here .

" You want ice cream ? " ; Elektra asked .

I shook my head .

" Wanna write an angry breakup song then ? " ; she suggested.

" No " ; I groaned .

" I want to cry and cry and then go out and kill a few more people . Then help Frank out of jail then watch Supernatural , Big bang theory and James Bond because Sam , Leonard and James are all freaking better than Matt because two of them understand why we need to kill people  " ; I wailed .

Elektra and Jessica glanced warily at each other .

" Okay.  How about we  go get that professor first " ; Jessica said standing up .

I wiped my eyes  and got into my red and black suit .

The three of us went to the professor's penthouse to get to him .

" Hi " ; I said to him as we barged in .

" Who are you ? What do you want ? " ; he said scared .

" Translate this " ; I said throwing him the ledger .

" I can't. They will kill me " ; he said .

I scoffed and grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up and slammed him against the big glass windows.

" And you think , I won't " ; I said as I punched the glass behind him .

" Tell me or you will no longer be a person " ; I screamed .

" No " ; he said .

I swiped out my knife and tried breaking the glass behind with it .

The glass cracked after a few stabs .

" Fine , fine ! I will do it ! " ; he screamed .

I let go off him .

Elektra gave him the ledger again .

" Shipment. Train car at 11:30 tonight at the railyard. Shipment number 10 " ; he said .

" Good " ; Jessica said as we walked out of the apartment .

" I can't go with you guys anymore " ; Jessica said.

" Why not ? " ; I asked .

" Philip already saw my face , I can't show it to anymore bad guys.  I am sorry" ; she said .

" Its fine Jess.  We will handle it. Goodnight " ; I said.

" Good luck and yeah , night " ; she said .

Elektra got into her car . I followed and soon she was driving to the railyard .

" Matthew wanted to come . I texted him the address " ; she said suddenly .

" Can I kill you ? " ; I asked.

"I am your best friend ! " ; she fake gasped .

" Yeah yeah " ; I said looking out the window .

" I did not say anything or put up a big fight like Foggy did when he found out who Matt was " ; I said.

" Matthew is difficult . I know that . He runs away from people who kill " ; Elektra said .

" My mom always said , don't date someone who doesn't understand you . I did the thing she asked me not too . He hates me " ; I said tears rolling down my cheek .

The rest of the drive was in complete silence .

I put on my mask as soon as we arrived.

" Took you long enough " ; Matt said as he joined us .

" Not everyone had acid poured over them so that they could have powers " ; I said coldly .

" No fighting ! " ; Elektra warned .

" There " ; I pointed the train that had the number I wanted to see .

I opened the door and sand came tumbling down upon me .

I fell down on the ground coughing up blood .

The sand had something in it or .....

" That isn't sand . Its glass powder . She is allergic to it " ; Elektra yelled.

I saw men coming at us with guns .

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I passed out .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now