The Big Disagreement

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I sat beside Matt on a chair while Foggy paced around  the apartment .

" Will you calm down and sit ? " ; I asked.

" I can't calm down . You know about this don't you ? " ; he whisper yelled.

" Yes . I do . Matt saved me from Russian kidnappers . The same ones who went after Karen " ; I said .

Foggy finally sat on the couch opposite to us .

" He killed all those cops and blew up those buildings " ; he mumbled .

" No ! He didn't . That was Fisk's men " ; I said .

" Foggy.  Get some rest , okay ? " ; I suggested .

" I can't sleep " ; he exclaimed .

" Do you need a drug to sleep ? You need to sleep.  This is already creating a stress for you. Please . At least just close your eyes " ; I said .

He finally listened and relaxed .

I felt Matt stir but it was just a false alarm .

I sighed and soon fell asleep .


" Addy " ; I heard someone whisper .

I immediately sat up straight . Matt was awake .

" Don't move . You lost a lot of blood and we had to give you a blood transfusion . I will take it out in a couple more minutes. Plus , there are a lot of other deep cuts.  Rest " ; I said getting up and bringing him a glass of water with a straw .

I placed the straw at his lips as he took sips from it .

Once he had finished drinking :

" You want more ? " ; I asked running my hands through his hair .

" No " ; he replied . 

" Is Foggy here ? " ; Matt asked ' 

" Yes " ; I said .

" Do you want me to wake him up ? " ; I asked .

" He will wake up . Soon . His heartbeat is uneven " ; Matt said .

I sat back down on the chair and just stared at him .

" You are staring " ; Matt said .

" I am aware " ; I said back .

I heard Foggy getting up from the chair and going over to the kitchen sink .

" He is angry " ; I whispered.

" I will give you both some time " ; I said going to the bedroom and closing the door .

I took out my laptop.

To Cheese :
It was stolen from my father.  I have no idea where it is now.

Do you know ?

Cheese ????


Hey !!!!

Answer ..!!!!!!!

Why isn't the person answering .

I heard shouting from outside.  Something along the lines of ' you fight at night wearing a black shirt looking like a moron ' .

Excuse me Mr.Nelson ! Anything else like that comes out of your mouth and I will go all ninja chop chop on you !!!

" You don't understand . Its different " ; Matt said loudly. 

" Hell yeah , it is " ; Foggy shouted .

" Ok that's it " ; I mumbled and got out of bed.

" Hey ! Freaking knock it off ! " ; I said as I found both of them at each other's necks.

" You ! Calm down " ; I said to Foggy pushing him back onto the couch .

" Now , if both of you can't talk like civilized people then both of you can give each other the silent treatment . No shouting . Especially you Matt " ; I said sternly .

Both of them looked down and sat in silence .

" We will try this again . Talk nicely " ; I said clapping my hands and going back to the bedroom .

" Boys " ; I mumbled .

I got my laptop and sat on the bed with it .

First I looked over all the cases Watson Law has taken over in the past few weeks , then I got into the servers again and this time it wasn't showing Access Denied . Thank God for that .

The file on the ledger was accessed over a month ago . Before I even got the company .

There were a lot of payment receipts from my company to Confederated  Global .

Someone from my company was acting as a spy for Fisk .

I pulled up the employees list that had names of all the people who had access to the bank accounts and files .

Nothing suspicious came out . Weird .

Looks like I will have to interview each and every one of these employees .

Suddenly the door was slammed really loudly .

I went outside and saw Matt curled up on the sofa crying .

I immediately went over and carefully placed his head in my lap and stroked his hair .

" Don't cry. Please . Talk to me Matty " ; I said softly , rubbing his back .

I went over and took out the iv gently from his hand .

He didn't even flinch just held my hands in his tightly .

" I can't do this alone anymore . Everyone has left me . My dad , Stick and now Foggy.  He hates me. He doesn't understand why I am doing this.  Don't leave me too. Please " ; he cried out .

They say there is a first time for everything . Well , this was my first time seeing Matt this vulnerable.  It made my heart break .

" Hey . Matty , listen to me . I love you . So much.  I will never leave you , that is if you ever want me to then I will . But I won't ever willingly leave you . You mean so much to me.  So much .This may sound cheesy but you changed me . A lot . Okay ? " ; I said .

He sniffed nodding .

" And Foggy doesn't hate you nor is he angry at you . He won't leave you either.  He is just worried and upset that you didn't tell about your secret to him , considering he has shared everything with you . He will come around . He was worried seeing you in that situation . Bloody , beaten up , bruised. Trust me , it gave me a heart attack when I first saw you like that " ; I added .

" I was fighting Nobu . The Japanese man Fisk had after you . He killed Mrs . Cardenas too " ; Matt sniffed.

" Had ? " ; I asked , not believing that Matt killed someone .

" Yeah.  I didn't kill him . It was an accident.  He got lit on fire and Fisk confronted me . I had to get out of there so I jumped through the glass windows " ; Matt said .

" The deep cuts ? " ; I asked .

" I didn't realise that Nobu was at the warehouse where Fisk had whole of Hell's Kitchens map . He sneaked up being me by slowing his heartbeat so I didn't notice him . He cut me pretty deep with along hook like thing " ; he explained .

I sighed .

" Promise me . Next time , I won't find you like that " ; I said .

" I promise " ; Matt said . " I promise . I am sorry I scared you baby . So sorry "

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now