Trial continues

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Adelaide's POV :

Boring .......
Boring .......
Bored ......
Don't wanna lie down .......
Anymore .........

I sat up and looked around . Plain white walls . Why Elektra ? Why can't you just colour it ?

I walked to the kitchen slowly and towards the fridge .

There was a box of pizza in there .

I took it out and microwaved it .

I wonder how the trial is going. 

" Henry , how is the trial going ? " ; I asked calling him .

" Not too good , not too bad.  PTSD wasn't ruled out but both parties have a very good defense as well as a case against him " ; he replied .

" Did Matt go for a mistrial ? " ; I asked taking my plate out of the microwave.

" No " ; he said .

" Why not ? " ; I asked .

" I don't know " ; he said .

I hung up and called Foggy .

" Where is Murdock ? Why didn't he go for a mistrial . Is he out of his mind ?  "; I nearly yelled at Foggy .

" Jeez , calm down . He is here.  Talk to him " ; he said .

" You okay ? " ; Matt asked .

" Cut the crap . Why aren't you going for a mistrial ? " ; I asked .

" Okay , first of all we got all of the files on Frank . There are like 10 boxes full of files on him . Emerson got them . She is brilliant.  Thank you . Second , Reyes is trying to throw off the defense at every point , trying to blame us and you for every kind of stuff so going for a mistrial will be extremely suspicious " ; he explained .

" Uh ...  Sorry " ; I said .

" Its fine " ; he said .

" I gotta go " ; I said hanging up.

I sighed.

I miss him .

Stop it Adelaide ! That is so weak of you .

I looked at the clock . Three more hours until Elektra comes back with Natalie .

" Hey Henry , send over a car " ; I said to him telling my address .

On my way to get some gifts for Nat. 


I went overboard . Definitely did . I got her a unicorn backpack , art and craft set and a painting set .

We will go shopping for more when she gets here .

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Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now