Some wounds take longer to heal

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Matt just kept on blinking continuously , deep in his thoughts.

" May I have the honour to know what your thinking  , counselor ? " ; I asked .

" Just replaying the fight " ; Matt replied .

" Stop doing that " ; I said .

" Its not that easy " ; he snapped .

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him .

" I am sorry " ; he said immediately .

I got up and brought out another syringe .

" You need to sleep. These voices will end you " ; I said and injected him .

He nodded and got comfortable on the couch .

After few minutes he was asleep and I half carried , half dragged him to bed . I covered him up with the blanked and kissed his forehead .

He was bound to sleep until the next morning . Gives me enough time to investigate .

I got out my coat from the backpack and washed it first then threw it into the fireplace and watched it burn . Evidence 1 gone. 

I got my dark blue coat out of another bag and wore it . This one didn't have a hood but had a lot of buttons .

 This one didn't have a hood but had a lot of buttons

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After wearing it I texted Jessica.

To Jess Jones :
You up for another fight tonight ?

To Spoilt Rich Brat :
Hell Yeah .

To Jess Jones :
Seriously ? Spoilt rich brat ? Is that my name now ?

To Spoilt Rich Brat :
Yeah . Even Cheese calls you that behind your back .

To Jess Jones:
Its rich coming from Cheese .
Anyways , meet me at the dock at eight .
Matty's knocked out after a fight and I gave him some medicine so that he doesn't wake up throughout the night .

To Spoilt Rich Brat :
See you then .

I sat down on the couch and transferred the employee list to my phone .

1. Samara Williams
2. Dean Johnson
3. Hunter Douglas
4. Amara Mate
5. Joselyn Andrews
6. Tara Brown
7. Rachel Miller
8. Terry Thompson

8 people. One working for Fisk . Maybe two.  We'll see .

I went out of the apartment and got a subway for myself.  It wasn't that good but it was okay .

Then I walked to the dock .

Using my car was not an option because I myself am a vigilante .

Jessica soon arrived and we headed towards Samara Williams home .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now