Into the ring Pt.2

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I was in the kitchen preparing my lunch . And Matt's . He often forgets to have lunch because he becomes too engrossed in his work .

" Good morning " ; he said coming to the kitchen and pouring himself some coffee.

" Good Morning " ; I said .

" Will you be out late tonight too ? " ; I asked .

" Depends on the case " ; he said .

" Okay then . Say hi to Foggy for me and your lunch is on the counter . I know you will win this case " ; I said as I kissed him goodbye .

I drove to the hospital , flashed my ID at the gate and entered .

" You won't believe who gave me his number last night " ; Claire said as soon as I walked in .

" The bartender ? " ; I asked smiling .

" Yes . How do you know ? " ; she asked surprised.

" I am a psychologist . I read people . Besides , he was openly flirting with you " ; I said .

" Wowww " ; she said in awe .

" So anyways ? How is your boyfriend ? " ; she asked .

" Good . Sweet , handsome , as always " ; I said .

" You are smitten " ; Claire said .

" Hey ! " ; I said lightly pushing her .

We both laughed .

Soon , it was only me walking towards my designated doctor room .

" Come in " ; I said once I was settled in .

Raya Andrews stepped in .

Let the session begin .


Tonight was not any clearer than yesterday . I was sitting in my car because it was too dangerous to drive . So I was waiting for it to clear up a bit .

Maybe sitting in front of an empty alleyway was not safe but .... It didn't matter .

Suddenly someone rolled off my car , broke the glass on my side and dragged me out of the car .

I screamed .

" Let her go " ; I heard a voice .

My kidnapper turned to face the direction , the voice came from .

There was a man . Standing there in his black mask , covering his eyes and a full black attire .

" Back off " ; the kidnapper spat .

The man in the mask charged at us and punched the kidnapper . He let go of me and I quickly hid behind the dumpster .

After a few minutes , I heard his voice , again .

" You can come out now . Your safe " ; I heard him saying .

" Thank you " ; I said coming out from behind the dumpster .

" Never . You hear me . Never wait in these kind of areas . Its dangerous " ; he said to me .

I nodded .

" Will you be able to go home ?" ; he asked .

I nodded again .

" Stay safe " ; he said before just randomly vanishing .

" This would be a hell of a story to tell Matt " ; I said to myself .

I dropped my car at the shop and walked to Matt's office .

I entered his office , saw that he was sitting at his desk . Foggy was in another room with a blonde girl who looked scared .

" Wanna talk ? " ; Matt suddenly asked .

" How do you know I wanna talk ? " ; I asked .

" Tense and careful steps " ; he answered .

Since he can't see , his other senses are very strong .

" Later " ; I said .

Foggy came out of the room with the girl .

" Uh .. This is Karen Page . Karen that's Adelaide Watson " ; Foggy introduced us .

" Hi " ; I said shaking her hand .

She smiled .

" Well , we will be gone now . See you guys tomorrow " ; Foggy said exiting the office. Karen following him .

" She is living with Foggy for now . Something to do with the fact that she is scared ? " ; I guessed .

" Close enough " ; Matt said looking at me .

" Karen works at Union Allied Construction . Recently, they killed her friend Danny . The thing is that Danny was found dead in her apartment , with her being unconscious .She swears that she didn't kill him . Yesterday she was attacked twice . Someone wants to kill her. So Foggy volunteered to keep her safe at his apartment " ; Matt explained.

" Hell of a case " ; I said .

" What are you doing here ? " ; he asked .

I hesitated .

" Promise you won't get angry ? " ; I asked .

" Depends " ; he said .

" I got attacked " ; I started to say .

" What ? " ; Matt nearly yelled as he came forward to feel my hands and neck .

" I am fine " ; I said .

" No your not . I can taste copper in the air . Your bleeding somewhere " ; he said still trying to find the wound .

I frowned but whined as soon as his hands grazed a cut on the back of my neck .

I didn't even know that I got cut there. Must have been the glass .

" Sit. I will stitch this up " ; he said guiding me towards his chair .

He went into the kitchen and came back with the first aid box .

" Tell me everything from the beginning " ; he demanded .

I narrated him the full incident . He just shook his head sometimes .

" I am sorry " ; I said .

" No babe . No . Its not your fault . I am just glad your okay . That's it " ; he said kissing me .

" Hmm " ; I hummed .

" There you go . Just avoid touching it " ; he said as he finished stitching my wound .

I nodded.

" Let's go home . You must be tired " ; he said said softly .

" Yeah " ; I said .

After Matt kept the first aid box in it's place , he took my hand and led me out of the office towards our apartment . I felt safe knowing that he willl protect me .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now