Landman and Zack

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" Atleast let me come to your office with you " ; I whined to Matt .

" No . You are staying here " ; he said firmly.

I huffed in annoyance .

" Please don't be mad . I will be back as soon as I finish work " ; he said kissing the back of my head.

" Okay " ; I sighed .

I heard the door opening and slamming shut .
My phone rang from under the couch .

I took it out and answered the call .
" Hello " ; I said .

" Adelaide Watson ? " ; a woman asked on the other end .

" Yes . This is Adelaide speaking " ; I said sitting up .

" Miss Watson , according to your father's will you are the complete owner of Watson Law . A company which your father created " ; the woman said .

" Ummm...I don't have a father " ; I said .

" Apparently you do Miss Watson.  His name was Charles Watson . His name is on your birth certificate " ; the woman said .

" Okay . Uh ... I don't know your name " ; I said to her .

" You can call me Marci . I work at Landman and Zack.  I would really appreciate if you would come forward at our corporation. We have quite a few things to talk about " ; she said .

" I will be right there " ; I said and hung up .


Wow . Is this where Matt and Foggy interned ? This was good .

" Miss Watson ? " ; a blonde woman asked . She was wearing a grey business suit along with a grey pencil skirt .

" Yes . Please , call me Adelaide " ; I said .

" Very well then . We have a guest who is eagerly waiting to meet you " ; Marci said .

I followed her to the fourteenth floor and entered a big conference room .

There was another lawyer in there with a man who wasn't much older than me .

" Adelaide that is Henry Watson . Your father's son " ; Marci said to me .

We shook hands and sat down opposite to each other .

The problem was that we both were fighting for the ownership of the company . Even though it was my name on the will , Henry wanted the company to himself arguing that I wasn't even Charles daughter.

" Adelaide would you like Landman and Zack to represent you in court ? " ; Marci asked .

" No, thank you . You guys can represent Henry.  I will get my own lawyers " ; I said standing up and taking my file with me .

I was about to exit the building when I saw Foggy and Karen arguing with Marci .

I decided to walk away and wait at the office .


" I saw you at Landman and Zack "
" I saw you at Landman and Zack " ; Foggy and I both said at the same time .

" I was there because my estranged father who I didn't know existed decided to make me the owner of his company.  But my estranged father's son wants the company as well even though his name is not on the will  . L and Z were his lawyers.  Now , they will represent Henry in the court.  So please , will you guys represent me ? " ; I explained and asked .

" What company ? " ; Karen asked .

" Watson Law " ; I replied .

" Holy hell .... That company is the best law company . Better than L and Z " ; Foggy exclaimed .

" Don't let Matt hear that " ; I joked .

" Too late " ; he said entering the office .

" Oh hi " ; I said .

" We will take the case " ; Matt said and ushered me into his personal room at the office .

" I told you stay at home sweetheart " ; he said as soon as he closed the door .

" Yes but I got a call from Marci from L&Z . She told me that I am the owner of one of the largest law firms in the US . I couldn't just stay home after that " ; I explained.

He sighed .

" Fine but just this once . You have to understand , they know your face " ; he said .

" I know . I am sorry " ; I said .

" So , your taking my case ? " ; I asked surprised .

" Yes . Will you let me live in peace if I don't ? " ; he joked .

" Well , I like your style " ; I said .

" When is the court date ? " ; I asked.

" Tomorrow " ; I said .

" Stay here . Don't go anywhere without either one of us with you . We need you here anyways for the case " ; Matt said .

" You go ahead.  I have a few questions for my mom " ; I lied .

Mat nodded and left me alone in his office .

To Cheese :
I got Watson Law . Almost.  Just gotta win a small court case against Henry Watson . Matt and Foggy are on that . You get that thing.  I have my end covered .

I switched off my phone and went outside into the room .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now