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" The victim is ....................

Not guilty " ; the judge spoke .

" Yes ! " ; I said to myself .

" But your honour - " ; Reyes tried to protest .

" Nothing Miss Reyes.  Nothing " ; the judge said .

" Thanks " ; Frank said .

" No worries.  Don't get caught again " ; I whispered .

" Big win for us guys " ; Karen said smiling. 

" Yeah " ; Matt said .

" That was a good speech " ; Foggy said to me .

" Thanks " ; I said .

" Can we go ? I don't think I can listen to another butcher story " ; Nat said irritated .

We burst out laughing except Foggy .

" Hey ! That is a great story " ; he protested .

" Ich mag ihn nicht " ; Natalie said to me .

" What ? " ; Foggy asked confused.

" Nothing " ; Matt said .

I looked at him . He clearly understood what Nat said .

" I 'll see you guys later.  By the way , come by 7pm all of you . We have a part at Watson Law and I want all of you present " ; I said before walking out with Natalie .

" Where are we going now ? " ; she asked .

" Anywhere you want " ; I said to her .

" Hamley's ? " ; she suggested .

" Yeah . Lets go " ; I said getting into the SUV .

We ended up buying a huge doll house and our part fit .

We ended up buying a huge doll house and our part fit

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Adelaide's Outfit

Adelaide's Outfit

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Natalie's Outfit

Natalie's Outfit

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Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now