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Matt's POV :

When I woke up in the morning I was feeling really good . Like I had a good nights sleep . That usually doesn't happen . I felt around the bed to find Addy but she was not there .

I couldn't hear her heartbeat in the apartment so I quickly got out of bed.

" Addy ? " ; I asked .

" Sweetheart , sweetheart , sweetheart " ; I heard my phone ringing .

I picked up my phone .

" Hey , where are you ? " ; I asked .

" At the office.  There was a break in " ; Addy said .

" Do you want me there ? " ; I asked .

" No Matt . Its fine.  I will handle this " ; she said .

" Okay. I love you . Stay safe " ; I said .

" I love you too " ; she said and hung up .

So I got dressed for work and walked to my office.

As soon I got there , I could hear Foggy and Karen arguing about something .

I opened the door and stepped in .

" Hey buddy . What do you think about me getting a new hair cut .Maybe a mullet or something ? " ; Foggy asked .

" What don't you two want me to know ? " ; I asked.

" You heard that ? " ; Karen asked .

" I swear this guy is like a bat . Not blind like a bat . You know the hearing thing " ; Foggy said .

" Bats aren't blind Foggy " ; I said .

" Oh " ; Foggy said .

" Karen ? What do I not want to know ? " ; I asked .

" We are investigating Union Allied " ; Karen replied after a pause .

" You can't be doing that " ; I said .

" Why not ? " ; Foggy asked .

" Karen signed an agreement to never speak about it " ; I replied .

" Well , I am not speaking , I am investigating it " ; Karen defended herself .

" All by yourself ? " ; I asked walking into my personal room .

" Foggy and Ben Urich is helping me . The New York Bulletin reporter " ; Karen replied .

" The one who wrote the Union Allied article ? " ; I asked .

" Yeah " ; Foggy said .

" Look , don't do anything in the way you are doing " ; I started to say.

" Why not ? " ; Karen asked .

" Because I am trying to protect this firm and what we are trying to build here . We know the law and we will use it to our advantage . So please , use the law . Star digging more into Union Allied " ; I said agitated .

Truth is , I was trying to prevent both of them from getting killed .

" Ok . Fine . We will dig " ; Karen said .

I sighed in relief .

We started reading and digging through various files and papers trying to find a connection .

" Wait . I found something . Something about a partnership with Confederated  Global " ; I said .

" Those nuts who hired to defend that bowling alley jerk ? " ; Foggy asked .

I nodded .

" Says here , Confederated  Global has a partnership with a prominent business man named Charles Watson " ; I said .

I immediately stood up and grabbed my walking stick .

" Charles Watson as in Addy's dad ? " ; Karen asked .

" Yes " ; I said before going out of the office.

I reached Watson Law and went up to he receptionist .

" I am here to see Adelaide Watson " ; I said .

" Name please " ; the receptionist asked.

" Matt Murdock " ; I said .

" Miss Watson will be waiting for you . Do you need an escort ? " ; he asked .

" I will be fine " ; I said walking towards the elevator .

Once I reached her floor , I tried to get out but someone pushed me back inside the elevator .

It was Addy. Her heart beating like crazy .

" What are you doing here ? " ; she asked stopping the elevator on a random floor .

" Confederated  Global " ; I said .

" What ? " ; she asked .

" You know what " ; I said .

" I don't know what your talking about " ; she said .

" You do " ; I said trapping her between my arms .

" I don't know about it personally . But Fisk has threatened me for something my dead father did , Okay ? Fisk stole all the old japanese case files and left a note . I was trying to open those cases but Fisk doesn't want me to " ; Adelaide shouted .

" Hey hey . Don't be scared . Come here " ; I said bringing her into my arms .

Adelaide's POV:

Matt almost caught me . I had to improvise . I couldn't let him know . So I lied , not all of it . Yes Fisk is after me but he just looked through the japanese case files , didn't steal them .

I had already texted Cheese about this .

I know what Fisk is after . Problem is all three of us are after it too .

I just wish Cheese was here to help me more with this .

After making sure , I was okay Matt left. Well , he didn't want to leave but I forced him to leave and investigate and Union Allied .

I texted Cheese as soon as he left. 

To Cheese :
Matt is onto me . He almost caught me .

To Addy :
Tell him who you are .

To Cheese :
Are you crazy ? That will ruin our relationship .

To Addy :
He will find out one day .

To Cheese :
That day will never come !


Matt's POV :

I had found Ben Urich and was currently on my way to talk with him .

I reached the place where he was .

" Ben Urich " ; I said to him .

" You " ; he said to me .

" Yes . I need you to do me a favour . Please . I have an article here which I want you to publish . Its about Wilson Fisk " ; I explained .

" How do I know its true ? " ; he asked.

" You know it is .You want to believe me . I promise , I never lie " ; I said and handed him the article .

" I will see what I can do " ; he said .

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now